federally administered tribal areas in a sentence

Use ‘federally administered tribal areas’ in a sentence | ‘federally administered tribal areas’ example sentences

1- The federally administered tribal areas are the most impoverished part of the nation.

2- However, the federally administered tribal areas were not allowed to organize political parties.

3- Two-thirds of all cases occurred in Balochistan and the federally administered tribal areas .

4- There are representatives from the federally administered tribal areas and from Islamabad Capital Territory.

5- In the federally administered tribal areas , there are seven Tribal Agencies and six FRs.

6- Pakistani NGOs are often targets of violent attacks by Islamist militants in the federally administered tribal areas .

7- The federally administered tribal areas contain proved commercially viable reserves of marble, copper, limestone and coal.

8- In 2001 the Pakistani military entered the federally administered tribal areas for the first time in history.

9- Smaller populations emigrated from federally administered tribal areas , Balochistan, and Gilgit–Baltistan.

10- The sacrifices of Pakistan’s troops in fighting extremists in the federally administered tribal areas are often underappreciated.

11- Afridi was born on 1 March 1980 in Khyber Agency of the federally administered tribal areas , Pakistan.

12- In 2007 the Pakistani Taliban in the federally administered tribal areas became officially known under the name Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan.

13- Most of these attacks are on targets in the federally administered tribal areas along the Afghan border in Northwest Pakistan.

14- South Waziristan is the southern most agency of the seven that constitute Pakistan ‘s federally administered tribal areas bordering Afghanistan.

15- The United States has carried out a campaign of Drone attacks on targets all over the federally administered tribal areas .

16- The remaining focuses lie in three parts of Pakistan: Balochistan Province, Karachi and the federally administered tribal areas .

17- Elections were held in all four provinces, the federal capital territory of Islamabad and in the federally administered tribal areas .

18- The Awami National Party have also made similar demands that the federally administered tribal areas be merged with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

19- On a provincial level, Pashto is the regional language of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, federally administered tribal areas and northern Balochistan.

20- Industrialization of the federally administered tribal areas is another route or remedy proposed for rapidly breaking up tribal barriers and promoting integration.

21- Militant groups now held three districts in the federally administered tribal areas : South Waziristan, North Waziristan and Bajaur Agency.

22- This led to the United States warning Pakistan of a possible military action against the Haqqanis in the federally administered tribal areas .

23- President Musharraf still faces many challenges – perhaps most critically in the federally administered tribal areas , or FATA, bordering Afghanistan.

24- A plan was developed for al-Bawali to infiltrate al-Qaeda in the federally administered tribal areas in Pakistan, along the Afghan border.

25- Airstrikes from CIA drones struck targets in the federally administered tribal areas (FATA) of Pakistan on September 8, 2009.

26- He believes in negotiations with Taliban and the pull out of the Pakistan Army from federally administered tribal areas (FATA).

27- The semi-autonomous Pashtun lands along the border, known as the federally administered tribal areas , have never been brought under the full control of any government.

28- Kayani’s first move as army chief was to visit the front lines in the federally administered tribal areas (FATA).

29- Yousafzai is considered a commanding authority on Afghan affairs and on the federally administered tribal areas (FATA) of Pakistan.

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