fall into a trance in a sentence

Use “fall into a trance” in a sentence | “fall into a trance” example sentences

1- Gibreel seems to have fallen into a trance .

2- But Duny overspends his power and falls into a trance .

3- Bernadette knelt down immediately, saying she saw “aquero” again and falling into a trance .

4- She soon falls into a trance , during which herr Flick asks her where the painting is.

5- There was a moment when James fell into a trance over Madeline’s Laura Palmer look.

6- During their meeting, Barbara, in another house, fell into a trance and had a vision.

7- Praised by Breton for his apparent ability to fall into a trance at will and orate automatic verbage.

8- Intoxicated by the vapors, the sibyl would fall into a trance , allowing Apollo to possess her spirit.

9- Upon biting it, Sarah falls into a trance and finds herself in a dream-like ballroom where she sees Jareth.

10- At any of these services, a Werkzeug might fall into a trance and deliver the word of the Lord.

11- You can cause others to fall into a trance , stopping all coherent action, even in the middle of combat.

12- When he takes it home , Charlton holds a séance at the suggestion of his friends, and falls into a trance .

13- In its strongest form, at the perception of a new and beautiful poetic or religious idea, mystics and seers will fall into a trance and remain in it for hours or even days.

14- Numbers 24:4,16 He hath said, which heard the words of God, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance , but having his eyes open.

15- as he contemplates the drops of blood, Parzival falls into a trance and sees there the face of his beloved Cundwîrâmûrs ( conduire amours ): flushed cheeks and a full red mouth, set in a perfect white face.

16- falling under the spell of the story-teller, perched on a stool, I fell into a trance as the woodcarver talked and whittled, whittled and talked.

17- You can still do it if you’re determined, but if you’ve fallen into a trance and pushed the wrong button, you won’t lose your money unnecessarily.

18- After those eight days, if it was truly the aspirant’s fate to become a shaman, he would fall into a trance (sometimes after falling into unconsciousness) and receive a message from the spirit world.

19- Jean led her X-Men to deal with Colossus but she fell into a trance , seeing her father, who she wished to being back to life.

20- In some mythical legends, Genghis fell into a trance after being castrated and will one day awake and return to the Mongol people.

21- Ayanfe who led this reporter there at the initial stage fell into a trance and later came back alive, he said ” this room is a powerful room and nobody is allowed to come in anyhow.

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