enemy territory in a sentence

Use “enemy territory” in a sentence | “enemy territory” example sentences

1- He was shot down in enemy territory.

2- Our troops have penetrated enemy territory.

3- She remains for him, even in modernity, enemy territory.

4- The plane was flying over enemy territory.

5- The plane was shot down while overflying enemy territory.

6- The war was carried into enemy territory.

7- Three of the soldiers strayed into enemy territory.

8- He ejected into enemy territory at night.

9- In 1865 18,000 men were deployed in enemy territory .

10- They were flying steadily eastwards, deeper into enemy territory .

11- Perhaps he was fearful of traveling in enemy territory .

12- Muslim troops who died on enemy territory had no known graves.

13- Some Polish soldiers came from Poland through enemy territory .

14- Until Christ’s return it remains enemy territory .

15- And the godlike forum is enemy territory .

16- Obelisks are used to capture enemy territory .

17- Grasshopper pilots flew dangerous missions over enemy territory without any armor.

18- Turn the entire Southeast into an occupied enemy territory ?

19- While creeping into the enemy territory they are careful and cunning.

20- Many gliders had to be released over enemy territory or mountains.

21- Gold and gems also increase your soldiers strength in enemy territories .

22- Lorca served as a base for launching raids into enemy territory .

23- The mission witnessed three aerial refuelings, including one over enemy territory .

24- She remains for him, even in modernity, enemy territory .

25- The Pawnee wore wolf skins as capes when exploring enemy territories .

26- The rear gunner was apparently hit and the aircraft landed in enemy territory .

27- He crash-landed his plane on a rice field in enemy territory .

28- We crossed the bottom of the valley and started into enemy territory .

29- He managed to gain sufficient height to bale out over enemy territory .

30- Clark said these competitive matchups in enemy territory have his team excited.

31- He initially met little resistance and moved quickly into the enemy’s territory .

32- Couriers also do work as scout dragons doing reconnaissance over enemy territory .

33- As of late 2011, ” enemy territory ” remains a popular game.

34- The Soviets flew 4,466 sorties into enemy territory in the year 1944.

35- Despite now living and working in enemy territory , I will never change.

36- Hideyoshi’s efforts were well received because Sunomata was in enemy territory .

37- Severus then thrust north with his army across the wall into enemy territory .

38- The OSS planned an elaborate rescue involving C-47 cargo planes landing in enemy territory .

39- It was intended to be used to shoot down incoming ballistic missiles over enemy territory .

40- The weather didn’t help either, high clouds over enemy territory obscured some targets.

41- We drive the lines of war further and further into the enemy’s territory .

42- Help the woollen warrior conquer enemy territory by leading it into the secure zone .

43- They administered Jaffa until representatives of the director of Occupied enemy territory arrived.

44- His light cavalry was used in reconnaissance, diversion, and raiding the enemy territory .

45- This would enable the troops to drop into enemy territory from aircraft following commercial routes.

46- Now based at Beaumont-sur-Oise, they were able to penetrate deep into enemy territory .

47- My impression is that this is a dry-run for further incursions into enemy territory .

Related Words:
virgin territorydangerous territorycome with the territorygo with the territoryneutral territoryuncharted territoryoccupied territoryenemy territorydisputed territoryhostile territoryunexplored territorymark its territoryfamiliar territoryunfamiliar territoryterror

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