empty threat in a sentence

Use ’empty threat’ in a sentence | ’empty threat’ example sentences

1- But anything further is probably an empty threat .

2- That would be a very empty threat .

3- empty threat and we both know it.

4- I just view it as an empty threat .

5- Emperor Julianus alternated between empty threats and desperate offers of compromise.

6- At the time, it sounded like an empty threat .

7- Obama has consistently handled his foreign policy with empty threats and meaningless sanctions.

8- You said banning is an empty threat and you will not loose .

9- This was not an empty threat .

10- It’s not an empty threat .

11- empty threats don’t worry me.

12- Even an empty threat of belonging to a triad society is an offence.

13- Ryan, an attorney, makes ” empty threats ,” she explains.

14- The municipality reiterated yesterday that the warnings to owners are anything but empty threats .

15- You have been making these empty threats but nothing has come of it .

16- Its great to see someone not taking the empty threats of litigious quacks.

17- This was an empty threat .

18- It is not empty threat .

19- This should never be an empty threat and be adopted only as a last resort.

20- I think this is just an empty threat from some of the CC companies .

21- Now Jesus knew that Herod had killed John and that therefore this might be no empty threat .

22- But she knew Adam well enough by now to know he wouldn’t make empty threats .

23- Make more empty threats ?

24- The world needs not pay too much attention on his wild yet empty threat , just leave him alone.

25- Though efforts to develop their nuclear program continue , many consider these most recent remarks to be empty threats .

26- In practical terms it means Cruz et al are peddling empty threats and Harry Reid can blow them off .

27- The binding television contracts and hefty debt-service obligations at most of the schools suggest that ‘s an empty threat .

28- Like an unloaded pistol held at the believer’s head, critical doubt is no more than an empty threat .

29- The Obama regime led from behind in Syria , too, with empty threats , movable red lines and warnings.

30- Let us explore the government’s empty threats about how failure to pass the agreement will affect Taiwan’s prospects internationally.

31- Certainly, in trying to make sense of the text, it’s clear that the warning is no empty threat .

32- Those empty threats by Jeff Bewkes that he will never work with Netflix turned out to be, well, empty.

More Sentences:
Related Words:
direct threatrepresent a threatimmediate threatpresenta threatvain threatreal threatidle threatempty threatthreatedthreatenthreaten tothreatenedthreaten thatthreateningthreateningly

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