emotional scars in a sentence

Use ’emotional scars’ in a sentence | ’emotional scars’ example sentences

1- emotional scars can scale a whole other flight of stairs.

2- Did Manning leave emotional scars on the Ravens ?

3- Long, repeated interrogations and physical examinations can leave emotional scars .

4- I may have the emotional scars .

5- Like Rogulskyj, Smelt suffered emotional scars , including clinical depression.

6- I can only believe their emotional scars will be deep and intense.

7- Both , now college-age, said the rapes left deep emotional scars .

8- emotional scars created a distorted, ugly image of his own “I”.

9- Living with an alcoholic parent can lead to violence, abuse and emotional scars .

10- The couple say they will carry serious emotional scars the rest of their lives.

11- Nate left Westboro in 1976 and says he has carried the emotional scars ever since .

12- emotional scars are jammed in man creativity, not allowing the show and develop their abilities.

13- Those who survive may suffer emotional scars that can linger long after the physical bruises have healed.

14- She also struggled to deal with her “physical and emotional scars ” and soon developed agoraphobia.

15- The passion that had helped heal the emotional scars and bring her a sense of peace and calm .

16- It can leave embarrassing scars on the surface of the skin, as well as invisible emotional scars .

17- Recent rumblings about homework and its relevance to pupils ‘ performance and achievement reignited the long-buried emotional scars .

18- To me , bullying is like drugs; a temporary high and a lifetime of scars, namely emotional scars .

19- Unfortunately there are people out there who have witnessed or experienced actual torture and are left with the emotional scars .

20- He was brought off before the end of a rare defeat and the emotional scars were apparent for weeks after that.

21- Don’t let the physical and emotional scars from your attack prevent you from getting the care and compensation you deserve.

22- The Hough Riots left the community with physical and emotional scars that would take a long time to begin to heal.

23- While we’ve all moved on and created much happiness in our lives, the financial and emotional scars never fully disappear.

24- Hoffman’s evocative language and her lyrical descriptions of place contrast sharply with the emotional scars that her characters must uncover and bear.

25- Almost all these changes can certainly improve your appearance (if by improve you mean lessen age of), but do nothing to help heal the emotional scars you perceive that we were young has caused you.

26- People with emotional scars imagines himself useless, unloved, unable to anything, and the society in which he lives, seemed hostile.

27- In addition to the physical markings, which a victim can receive in a bullying confrontation, there are also numerous emotional scars associated with bullying.

28- The initial shock of Inessa’s affair with Lenin must have been very hard on Krupskaya, leaving emotional scars that were still tender years afterwards.

29- The mutilated face of a veteran sitting in solitude reminds us that those who fight a war must live with its physical and emotional scars , while the generals and politicians who send them to battle retire in relative comfort.

30- My adoptive parents didn’t understand and were very punitive with me and caused many emotional scars (I have PTSD daily of the physical abuse and threats over having this disorder).

31- The victims are often left with illness or disability, for the rest of their lives, not to mention the emotional scars .

32- In the scene where she works out a deal with the abortionist, she too is all business, but as the action grinds on, her emotional scars become more visible.

33- I figured I was lucky and that my lesson was in realising the damage that being in a war situation does to people, the mental and emotional scars it leaves.

34- Bullying can create deep emotional scars for victims and for bystanders who witness this behavior.

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