drink tea in a sentence

Use “drink tea” in a sentence | “drink tea” example sentences

1- We generally drink tea after a meal.

2- But such people are abstemious in many other ways, e.g. they do not drink tea.

3- We generally drink tea after a meal.

4- But such people are abstemious in many other ways, e.g. they do not drink tea.

5- Free soft drinks tea and coffee are available while playing.

6- Try drinking tea or coffee without sugar.

7- And I eat toast and drank tea .

8- I loved drinking tea and I loved cycling.

9- We drink tea ; case the joint.

10- The talk turned to easier waters as they drank tea .

11- drinking tea and coffee is a calming and soothing meditation.

12- You even forget that you are drinking tea .

13- French people generally drink tea in the afternoon.

14- I didn’t know you drank tea .

15- So we drank tea for a while.

16- If we drink tea alone together we agree very well.

17- Kashmiris are very fond of drinking tea .

18- The woman has stopped drinking tea and her pain has alleviated .

19- They sat inside, drinking tea from enormous enamel mugs.

20- Surely we all use soap and drink tea .

21- Does she still drink tea all the time?

22- Adam sat in his parents’ house, drinking tea .

23- We drank tea or whatever it was in their dressing room.

24- No he erm he started drinking while he was drinking tea right?

25- When youâre stressed, drinking tea is also good.

26- China is one of the first countries to drink tea !

27- Not the Ukrainian since he drinks tea (4).

28- Do not drink tea before bedtime.

29- Since they wouldn’t let her sleep, she drank tea .

30- Also drink tea or some soup if you’re that hungry.

31- Yum cha literally means ‘ drink tea ‘.

32- drink tea drinking tea can slow the growth of bad breath bacteria.

33- This they earned for doing little other than drinking tea and chatting.

34- I never drink tea and used to have zero interest in tea ceremonies.

35- Rather than drinking tea hot, many Americans prefer tea served with ice.

36- They drank tea together and Müller went over the report with him.

37- He spent the interval in full view of the enemy, drinking tea .

38- They sat for some time talking and drinking tea before the music began.

39- When not busy working , Joshua enjoys blogging, tweeting and drinking tea .

40- Do not drink tea , including red, black, and green tea.

41- As well as drinking soda, Tongans now drink tea and coffee.

42- You can do this by drinking tea or coffee with your meals.

43- Some drink tea , some cola.

44- But we know of no way to drink tea ‘ suspiciously’.

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