diverse portfolio in a sentence

Use “diverse portfolio” in a sentence | “diverse portfolio” example sentences

1- Especially one with such a large and diverse portfolio as EA .

2- ANADIGICS features a diverse portfolio of highly linear , highly efficient RFICs.

3- The renowned faculty at UNE provides a diverse portfolio or social work education.

4- The ideal situation for an investor is to hold a diverse portfolio of juniors .

5- A diverse portfolio of water sources, supported by both centralised and decentralised water infrastructure.

6- A diverse portfolio is best.

7- His diverse portfolio consists of a number of domestic buildings of the Modernist discourse.

8- Today you you own your business and have built up an incredibly diverse portfolio .

9- Lonrho is a pan-African company with a diverse portfolio of investments focusing on Africa .

10- We have a diverse portfolio of assets , and we understand them better than others.

11- Baturina has a diverse portfolio .

12- Despite the company’s diverse portfolio , however, Warnaco was struggling to turn a profit.

13- The reinsurer may have a more diverse portfolio of assets and especially liabilities than the cedant.

14- Our diverse portfolio of strategically coordinated links will take your content to the top of the search engines.

15- Briatore has developed a diverse portfolio of business interests outside Formula 1, many of which revolve around fashion.

16- DOE supports a diverse portfolio of research at colleges, universities, research facilities and institutions across the nation.

17- We have a uniquely diverse multi-domain portfolio that covers property development, property management services, hospitality and education.

18- Before 2002 Fedecafé had a large and diverse investment portfolio in shipping, airlines, and the financial sector.

19- Our diverse construction portfolio and specialized divisions and subsidiaries ensure that each project is matched with appropriate resources and expertise .

20- On behalf of the nation, The Crown Estate manages a highly diverse property portfolio across the United Kingdom.

21- The Paspaley Group of Companies has developed a diverse portfolio of business operations, evolving from their pearling background.

22- On the other hand, J&J Snack Foods has been enjoying its diverse portfolio and acquisition-led growth.

23- SolGold is Brisbane based and carries a diverse portfolio of exploration projects in Ecuador , Solomon Islands and Australia.

24- diverse portfolio : PIMCO has offices across the world, which has proved helpful in seeking out unique investment opportunities.

25- Over the past decade, Ms Meers has also held a diverse portfolio of board appointments across the not-for-profit sector.

26- In our opinion, C-III continues to take proactive measures to manage and sell a diverse portfolio of REO assets.

27- It is a geographically diverse portfolio , which helps insulate the company from risk of loss resulting from regional economic downturns.

28- He directs a diverse research portfolio that includes systems that rate building performance and occupant experience and incorporate market trends and dynamics.

29- The department uses three Citibank lockboxes located in different areas of the country to maximize posting efficiencies on its geographically diverse portfolio .

30- We represented a major travel-related company in securing worldwide patent protection on a diverse portfolio of software and business-method–related inventions.

31- Quebec’s Chantier de l’Economie Sociale is a leader in this field and has a diverse portfolio of blended investments.

32- Plantronics RIG Surround Gaming Headset Plantronics despite its diverse audio product portfolio has shown immense respect and high regard for gaming as it does for its other ventures.

33- VF Corporation is a global leader in lifestyle apparel with a diverse portfolio of jeanswear, outdoor, imagewear, sportswear and contemporary apparel brands.

34- The Philippines leading, full-range property developer with a diverse real estate portfolio covering best-value homes, townships, mid-rise and luxury properties.

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