distrustful in a sentence

Use ‘distrustful’ in a sentence | ‘distrustful’ example sentences

1- Her hard life had left her feeling isolated and distrustful .

2- I can understand why Israel is very distrustful .

3- He is also highly distrustful of technology, particularly robots.

4- Marriage has made him distrustful of women in general.

5- Mrs Thatcher was instinctively distrustful of the group.

6- It seems that they are distrustful of strangers.

7- He is also distrustful of the plan.

8- The experience left Lane disgusted and distrustful of the political process.

9- However, the younger mutants are still very distrustful of her.

10- The ones she knows less about she is distrustful of.

11- Breeders feeding home-prepared diets were particularly distrustful of vets’ advice.

12- Deary is very distrustful of the establishment.

13- Was it because they were distrustful of Charles?

14- Janielle felt deeply rejected and she became distrustful of people.

15- She remained distrustful of Kevin, who covered up his crimes.

16- Fortunately for me I’ve been a quite distrustful person since childhood.

17- So I approach any such statements with a distrustful attitude by default.

18- This makes them distrustful of others, viewing them primarily as competitors.

19- I am very distrustful of others and have no trust for anyone.

20- They are distant and distrustful because they feel unsafe in the world.

21- Opie, still distrustful , does not give a clear answer.

22- Others have added that courts are generally distrustful of psychological explanations for conduct.

23- Such tactics have left China ‘s proletariat distrustful of their proletarian dictatorship.

24- His subordinates became distrustful of him and eventually he was dismissed from office.

25- distrustful Shannon has a secret admirer.

26- The absence of such a paper trail leaves voters feeling distrustful of the results.

27- However, Cally remains distrustful and angrily rebuffs her.

28- Lütjens, already distrustful of B-Dienst, disregarded the warnings.

29- Maybe I’m stubborn and distrustful .

30- In his last days, Frederick II was bitter, distrustful and isolated.

31- Dreyfus, distrustful of the apes, arms survivors using an abandoned armory.

32- Another thing she has learned: The public is very distrustful of the media.

33- They were often distrustful and apprehensive around authorities, and many were depressed and traumatized.

34- But I was distrustful and was still wondering what this was leading up to.

35- But the council was too suspicious and distrustful of them to accept their nominations.

36- In 195 BC, he became distrustful of Lu Wan and invaded Ji.

37- He is wily, distrustful of others, and demanding of his business partners.

38- They lived together for some time, but their relationship became distrustful and strained.

39- Its tone would be set by those who were most distrustful of his leadership. The candidate’s supposed lack of sophistication has won him a great deal of support among those distrustful of professional politicians.

40- John Calvin and other Protestant leaders of his time were distrustful of art in worship and prohibited the singing of all but biblical texts in church.

41- Koenig said, “I don’t blame people for being shy, or angry, or distrustful.

42- Though well made, the film was ignored by Tamil audiences distrustful of the Sinhalese director.

43- Disciples of Dispater verge on paranoia and are distrustful of all around them.

44- Like all feral horses, they generally avoid human contact, are distrustful, and are easily spooked.

45- The club in politics The Rump Parliament was distrustful of the Rota Club and the ideals they stood for.

46- Being a loner and distrustful of others, he doesn’t like to talk much about his family situation or his feelings.

47- The Hawking colonists are distrustful, somewhat paranoid and the ship itself hides a weapon of mass destruction.

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