dish towel in a sentence

Use ‘dish towel’ in a sentence | ‘dish towel’ example sentences

1- They are my most favorite dish towels .

2- Now cover a cookie sheet with a clean dish towel .

3- I never know how people keep nice white dish towels clean .

4- Bed linen, duvets, pillows and dish towels are provided.

5- Shape into a cylinder and cover with a dish towel .

6- Right now I just threw a dish towel over it .

7- He took up the dish towel .

8- Remove from oven and place the hot nuts in a clean dish towel .

9- I love the fact there is such an in depth conversation about dish towels !

10- Rinse and dry well, patting them with a clean dish towel .

11- When done, turn out cake onto a dish towel and peel off wax paper.

12- She waves the dish towel at the street, trying to chse it off.

13- Change dish towels every day.

14- Turns out, a bartender with a dish towel could have handled the problem.

15- Hold the candy corn in a pot holder or dish towel in your other hand.

16- Both are dressed in everyday clothes and Laura wears an apron and carries a dish towel .

17- Dampen a dish towel with the solution and wave the towel around the air in your kitchen .

18- And even when you use a dish towel or bang it against the countertop , nothing happens.

19- Instead use old, worn out dish towels , socks, tee shirts, bed linens and baby blankets.

20- I even made vestments for him out of old dish towels , recalled his mother, Veronica Paprocki.

21- Shape each portion into a ball, cover with the dish towel and let rest for 20-30 minutes.

22- I do have lots of high quality dish towels , as well as a stash of rags in a kitchen drawer.

23- Cover the bowl with plastic wrap or a clean dish towel and let the dough sit at room temperature for 45 minutes .

24- My mother in law gave me handmade dish towels when I got married , and ever since, they are my preference.

25- Buy dish towels from a restaurant supply place, and use the heck out of them for everything…we call them our fancy linen. fish and crab and hunt to build up the protein supply.

26- Cover with a clean dish towel or large, clean plastic bag and let rise at room temp for 2 hrs. or until double in bulk.

27- But if you had a friend, any friend, and the friend came to visit, I’d make him feel comfortable.” She wiped her hands with the dish towel .

28- However being asked to pay extra for towels was a surprise given that bedlinen and dish towels were provided in the not cheap rental charge.

29- Immediately upon removing the cake from the oven invert the pumpkin roll onto a clean dish towel that has been sprinkled with confectioners’ sugar.

30- For my kitchen windows, I simply use cute dish towels and clip on “cafe” style metal curtain rings that slide over the tension rod, a lot like a shower curtain.

31- One at a time, hold the half of the avocado with the pit in it in a dish towel in your hand.

32- From the spotlight on the clearing where we saw raccoons and other small animals to the fact that everything we might have forgotten (small dish towels , sugar,etc)were provided and in good condition.

33- I wrapped the spacer in a dish towel and took a hammer to it, splitting it into 2 (actually more like 5 or 6) pieces.

34- An iron-on patch applied with your iron on a very low (silk) setting with a dish towel between the iron and patch may prove to be much more effective.

35- Since your spruce is slow to do it on its own, use an old broom stick or dowel rod and some cloth strips cut from an old bedsheet or dish towel to begin correcting this situation.

36- Linus reluctantly hands her the blanket and then goes into his room, and says, “I decoyed her with a colored dish towel !

37- However, it is hydrophobic (does not absorb water easily), which makes it unfit for use in bath and dish towels (although examples of these made from shiny cotton are seen).

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