cut taxes in a sentence

Use “cut taxes” in a sentence | “cut taxes” example sentences

1- He was particularly lauded for his efforts to cut taxes.

2- Newspapers attacked the government for failing to cut taxes.

3- The government plans to cut taxes in order to stimulate the economy.

4- He ought to cut taxes for 100 percent.

5- For one thing the bill cuts taxes .

6- Governments increase spending and cut taxes to boost aggregate demand.

7- They raised spending, cut taxes and let budget deficits balloon.

8- They have cut taxes on capital and high incomes.

9- They wanted to continue to cut taxes and reduce bureaucracy.

10- He was particularly lauded for his efforts to cut taxes .

11- We cut taxes for the middle class and small business.

12- Bush cut taxes while increasing spending on defense and Medicare benefits .

13- Borrowing money to cut taxes so severely is expensive.

14- He said he would cut taxes ; he did.

15- It’s sort of like the cut taxes calls.

16- Maybe Dole would have tried to cut taxes .

17- That’s why we are cutting taxes for working people.

18- Politicians want to cut taxes for the middle class.

19- On cutting taxes and paying down debt : it’s working.

20- I guess we can cut taxes after all.

21- Roskam has authored or co-authored fourteen bills to cut taxes .

22- cut taxes , especially for millionaires and billionaires.

23- I’m not looking to cut taxes for wealthy people.

24- Governments gain popularity by cutting taxes , not by increasing them.

25- He ‘s got to start cutting taxes and encourage enterprise to invest.

26- Layton announced that he would neither raise nor cut taxes if elected.

27- Reagan wanted to dramatically cut taxes in order to starve the government.

28- We know that Democrats generally raise taxes while Republicans generally cut taxes .

29- I am looking to cut taxes for middle-income people.

30- Obama says he wants to cut taxes for 95 percent of Americans.

31- Margaret as a right wing Conservative favored cutting taxes and less government involvement.

32- The legislature elected in 1787 cut taxes and placed a moratorium on debts.

33- They note that this worked when presidents Kennedy and Reagan cut taxes .

34- He also cut taxes for over 400,000 middle income families in Nebraska.

35- I’m not going to cut taxes on– on the rich.

36- Based on this advice, Harding cut taxes , starting in 1922.

37- He’s got a plan that cut taxes for millionaires and billionaires.

38- Instead of cutting taxes , this Tory-led administration has significantly raised them.

39- During his governorship, Johnson cut taxes fourteen times and never increased them.

40- Mister Ryan is primarily about reducing the size of government and cutting taxes .

41- Rep. Kelly Hastings, R-Gaston, said he supports cutting taxes .

42- Reagan fought to cut taxes and shrink the size and scope of government.

43- Cutting taxes now is irresponsible and is foolish not to mention financially nonviable .

Related Words:
tax credittax dodgetax exemptraise taxesincrease taxesput up taxes lower taxescut taxesreduce taxesinheritance taxindirect taxtax ratetax cutstax incentivestax allowance

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