congruent triangle in a sentence

Use ‘congruent triangle’ in a sentence | ‘congruent triangle’ example sentences

1- They are doing conjuring tricks without knowing it’.

2- Conjuring tricks could be his last chance.

3- So he’s done a kind of conjuring trick here.

4- This is a simple statistical conjuring trick unrelated to cause-and-effect .

5- The parachutes opened like conjuring tricks , and still he circled.

6- Nevertheless volumes three and four also vanished, as if in a conjuring trick .

7- The derivation of human rights from the doctrine of dependent-origination is a conjuring trick .

8- Who did he think he was anyway, with his ridiculous conjuring tricks for beginners?

9- It’s a conjuring trick !

10- Throughout the years, Geller has used simple conjuring tricks to simulate the effects of psychokinesis and telepathy.

11- All magazines and newspapers are a kind of conjuring trick – they put a gloss of coherence upon chaos.

12- Ramsay shares his interests with the neglected four-year-old Paul Dempster, who is quick to learn conjuring tricks .

13- As in the case of conjuring tricks , there is much less stimulation if the “secret” is known.

14- Like all the best conjuring tricks , the argument depends on distracting you with astonishing facts while some assumptions sneak past.

15- They talk of Harwell’s disappearance as being like a conjuring trick to divert public attention from what is really happening.

16- What happened that night of the Resurrection, or early in the morning, if it wasn’t a conjuring trick ?

17- It is the time for Nature’s great conjuring trick , when green leaves become crimson, gold, russet and purple.

18- Faced with the financial consequences of its commitment to a hard law and order policy the Government has attempted a conjuring trick .

19- His colleagues struggled to outdo him in lifelikeness, in art that was a pure conjuring trick on the sense of sight.

20- THE HISTORY of belief in the supernormal over the past hundred years is studded with the names of famous illusionists who have sought to prove that much-vaunted miracles were nothing more than conjuring tricks .

21- For them, the Alger myth is little more than a cultural conjuring trick , providing an illusion of opportunity to distract the masses from gross inequalities of income and wealth.

22- Comrade Preobrazhensky, however, contrives to perform such a conjuring trick : he categorically insists on the ‘plan’ and other good things, and at the same time even more categorically insists on abstracting from the functions of state power in the sphere of the economy.

23- I resolved to sit and observe for a while; there was no way I could fight them; my powers are mostly souped up conjuring tricks , although I could count on getting away with my balloons.

24- WHEN Britain’s now-famous television blonde, Sabrina, made her first appearance earlier this year, she did not speak, sing, dance, do conjuring tricks or even pull faces.

25- Just over twenty years ago (in 1984) David Jenkins, Bishop of Durham, announced that the Resurrection of Jesus was a ‘ conjuring trick with bones’.

26- In 1908, he made his début in a talent contest at the London Music Hall in Shoreditch, performing conjuring tricks as Fargo, The Boy Wizard.

27- I’ll also be talking to John MacGregor, about the privatization of British Rail, has he really given in to his rebels who want B R to be able to bid for the franchises, or is it all a clever conjuring trick ?

28- This table was made like a tray; when lifted, its legs could be snapped up or snapped down – a solemn sort of conjuring trick which Twomey performed with quiet authority.

29- Garbage is the negative of consumer culture, it’s everything that nobody wants, and when it disappears from everyone’s lives, rich or poor, it doesn’t disappear at all, it appears here, like a conjuring trick gone wrong.

30- Geller has been caught many times using sleight of hand and according to science writer Terence Hines, all his effects have been recreated using conjuring tricks .

31- One of Zamloch’s most popular conjuring tricks was to beat eggs in a top hat borrowed from a man in the audience.

32- The girls pay him lavish compliments, saying the weary days of waiting have passed pleasantly, thanks to his songs, riddles and conjuring tricks .

33- In 1843, while performing a conjuring trick for the amusement of his children, Brunel accidentally inhaled a half-sovereign coin, which became lodged in his windpipe.

34- It was only when the saloon, estate car and van variants appeared and the hatchback was added to the Kadett lineup that the conjuring trick was revealed.

35- Its accountants sit down with the auditor for a day of conjuring tricks and, hey presto, £15m gets lost in a cloud of smoke, leaving a mere £7m to find.

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