computer-based training in a sentence

Use ‘computer-based training’ in a sentence | ‘computer-based training’ example sentences

1- A highly modular computer-based training course was developed to meet the training need.

2- In 1987, Abbey National’s training programme utilised computer-based training and video tape.

3- computer-based training is expected to be the biggest professional market for multimedia in the near future.

4- We can also develop the same training as CBT, computer-based training distributed on CD.

5- computer-based training (CBT).

6- computer-based training : Training that is delivered via computer workstation and includes all training and testing materials.

7- TADOC also trained a total of 639 Turkish officers in computer-based training centers throughout Turkey in 2009.

8- IV offers many advantages over conventional forms of training, such as computer-based training (CBT) and video.

9- Completion of Hazardous Communication computer-based training using DCMA Skillsoft Training Academy application.

10- Web-based training ( WBT ) is a type of CBT ( computer-based training ) that uses Internet technology.

11- In the initial phase, we developed a prototype computer-based training program to test user acceptance of a technology-based training solution.

12- Students can expect an innovative approach to wind turbine training that will include classroom-based training , computer-based training and hands-on training.

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