colour screen in a sentence

Use ‘colour screen’ in a sentence | ‘colour screen’ example sentences

1- colour screens (7 colours) arrived later.

2- A stand-alone portable scanner with built in colour screen .

3- Also want a modern dash with a large colour screen !

4- This was Ericsson’s first handset with a colour screen .

5- It combined a colour screen and camera into a sliding form factor .

6- Big, flat, colour screens , that would be nice.

7- Now in full colour throughout to aid quick uderstanding through numerous colour screen shots.

8- The addition of the colour screen meant a great increase in the exposure time.

9- BlackBerry’s first colour screen .

10- Monitor options include a 19-inch grey-scale or 16- or 19-inch colour screens .

11- The 3510i, pictured here, was a more advanced version with a colour screen .

12- While there ‘s no trendy colour screen , the layout of the dashboard is clean and user-friendly.

13- Thus for 16 colour screen , where each pixel requires four bits, each byte would describe two pixels.

14- The optional Navi900 satellite navigation system includes a seven-inch colour screen and 3D bird’s-eye view.

15- It’s a powerful device with a colour screen and gaming capabilities similar to the Game Boy Advance.

16- The colour screen was then replaced in contact, and fixed together permanently for viewing as a colour transparency.

17- A very graphical and highly playable Dungeons and Dragons game featuring 256 colour screens and excellent Sound Blaster support.

18- SuperShow is a multimedia presentation program which allows the creation of 256 colour screen presentations using graphics in PCX format.

19- The 250, at $17,000 comes with 32Mb RAM, 535Mb drive and 20&ins; colour screen . The 7600 has a 65,000 colour screen and contains a 640 x 480 digicam for both photography and video.

20- Some early models allow the user to review the images on a colour screen, but at the top end of the market.

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