cannibal tribe in a sentence

Use ‘cannibal tribe’ in a sentence | ‘cannibal tribe’ example sentences

1- Many horror films, known as cannibal films, have exploited the theme of cannibal tribes .

2- Most of Europe, parts of North America, and equatorial Africa is inhabited by cannibal tribes and bands.

3- She returns unharmed both times, before Monty finally dispatches her the jungles of Africa – and a cannibal tribe .

4- And they managed to make it to shore , only to fall into the hands of a cannibal tribe .

5- Taveuni also has the distinction of having been home to the most savage of all the cannibal tribes in Fiji.

6- The film tells the story of a missing documentary film crew who had gone to the Amazon to film cannibal tribes .

7- But the leader of a cannibal tribe stops them midway and orders the King to be handed over to them.

8- The man who, in order to understand the inner world of a cannibal tribe , has partaken of the practice of cannibalism, has probably gone too far: he can never quite be one of his own folk again.

9- First, the Zimba, a cannibal tribe from the Zambeze region, raided the coast at the late 16th century spreading horror and destruction.

10- Mary Kingsley, early British explorer, naturalist, and writer who greatly influenced European ideas about Africa and African people; studied cannibal tribes and collected specimens of fish. 10.

11- Ruggero Deodato used this style prolifically in his film “Cannibal Holocaust”, in which a group of filmmakers goes missing after they head into the South American rain forest to make a documentary on local cannibal tribes .

12- The Térraba were not the only cannibal tribe that occasionally visited Cocos Island, if we suppose that Crusoe’s story has real foundations.

13- The next day, Monroe and his guides head deeper into the rainforest to locate two warring cannibal tribes , the Ya̧nomamö and the Shamatari.

14- An American film crew has gone missing in the Amazon rainforest while on an expedition to film a documentary about indigenous cannibal tribes .

15- The ” last wish, fork” joke: A team of explorers is captured by a cannibal tribe and brought before the chief.

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