bloodcurdling scream in a sentence

Use ‘bloodcurdling scream’ in a sentence | ‘bloodcurdling scream’ example sentences

1- Giorgio’s thoughts are interrupted by a bloodcurdling scream .

2- One night in 1989, he was up late cramming for a calculus exam when he heard a bloodcurdling scream .

3- They drive through an endless desert where the radio brings only static and Jeff falls asleep at the wheel, to be woken by bloodcurdling screams as Margo has a hysterical episode.

4- She calls his name and then floats up to him, emitting an bloodcurdling scream to go with her “Scream” face.

5- Michael then reaches for his date’s throat as she lets out a bloodcurdling scream , only to awake and realize it was all a dream.

6- The aura of chaos is furthered by the band’s weird demeanour: each member seems to be shuffling to a different beat, while scruffy frontman Ken staggers around the stage, tugging at his hair and letting rip with bloodcurdling screams whenever the fancy takes him.

7- Dias let out a ” bloodcurdling scream ” as the owl pounced, but her friends thought she was complaining about the workout.

8- While doing the introductions they hear a bloodcurdling scream , and they look to see a man missing his arms courtesy of Hisoka the magician who maimed him only because he bumped into him. [6] Tonpa then offers Gon and the other two some juice.

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Related Words:
screamterrified screamterrible screamscream withlittle screammuffled screamstifled screambloodcurdling screamshrill screampiercing screamhigh-pitched screamloud screamscream of terrorlet out a screamscream loudly

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