basic truth in a sentence

Use ‘basic truth’ in a sentence | ‘basic truth’ example sentences

1- All of these religious myths distort certain basic truths .

2- In other words, genuine progress builds on basic truth .

3- What has kept America stable for decades are two basic truths .

4- Another choice is to ignore this basic truth and do nothing.

5- This is also the basic truth about human senescence.

6- It had sounded like one of the world’s basic truths .

7- Don’t you even get that basic truth ?

8- It is appalling that people do not understand this basic truth .

9- Those basic truths are not only neglegted in the military.

10- It brought clearly into focus the basic truths which are so often overlooked.

11- Our society is in need of programs to teach people this basic truth .

12- But still the basic truth can still be heard, if you listen.

13- Middaugh protests too loudly, revealing the basic truth of Lister’s observations.

14- The value of the political talks so far has been to expose three basic truths .

15- At last, Linda Brooks presents basic truths in her concise style of writing.

16- This opening action shows a couple of basic truths about the battle for Shanghai.

17- Actually the various sampradayas are not the result of differences in the basic truth .

18- This is just basic truth .

19- There are too few places in our society that remind us of this basic truth .

20- There are two basic truths that each person has to admit in this life: 1.

21- This seems to me a basic truth that we have yet to fully live by.

22- Dr. Sara Gottfried & Jonathan Bailor talk big rocks or the basic truths for staying slim.

23- The basic truths of it, once you have learned them, are difficult to forget.

24- You have the time, NOW, and we have the basic truth you need.

25- The first basic truth you need to learn about SEO is that search engines are not humans.

26- Over the course of these experiments, Galileo discovered some basic truths regarding the acceleration of objects.

27- It is there for everyone to see and it remains the basic truth “, Ganduje stressed.

28- This basic truth , Descartes found quite soon: his famous “I think therefore I am”.

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