baby talk in a sentence

baby talk in a sentence

1- I crashed into a babble of baby talk.

2- Is baby talk designed to help babies learn speech?

3- Why does baby talk grab the attention?

4- So is baby talk a human universal?

5- There are even baby talk versions of baby talk versions.

6- There are even baby talk versions of baby talk versions.

7- One word means one concept in baby talk .

8- Across the world, adults love baby talk .

9- Interestingly, babies seem to prefer this baby talk .

10- Other evidence suggests that baby talk is not a universal phenomenon.

11- Moreover, baby talk seems to help adults, too.

12- But they performed even better when the utterances were baby talk .

13- The Shuar adults could reliably identify which utterances were baby talk .

14- Expect a lot of baby talk without the babble.

15- Tenley’s baby talk is getting to be a bit much.

16- Served her to talk baby talk to her patient I guess .

17- baby talk may make it easier to hear the sounds of speech.

18- baby talk is also characterized by the shortening and simplifying of words.

19- Evaluation This is the new, revised version of baby talk .

20- The song ” baby talk to Me” returns to the show.

21- So, yeah, it’s way better than baby talk .

22- baby talk is more effective than regular speech in getting an infant’s attention.

23- Boy baby one of the twin babies talking with girl baby his sister baby .

24- All this baby talk made me want to tackle some of these gender myths .

25- baby talk may be used as a form of flirtation between sexual or romantic partners.

26- baby talk , poetry, proverbs, and sayings all have their special roles.

27- Alexandra is also revealed as not being a fan of the baby talking Alyce.

28- When the computer model was exposed only to baby talk , its answers were more accurate.

29- Some honorifics have baby talk versions–mispronunciations stereotypically associated with small children and cuteness.

30- It is often described as language for the babies and commonly called as ” baby talk “.

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