at room temperature in a sentence

Use “at room temperature” in a sentence | “at room temperature” example sentences

1- at room temperature all the metals are paramagnetic.

2- Cool at room temperature and cut into squares.

3- Incubation was performed at room temperature for 30 minutes.

4- Let stand at room temperature 3 to 4 hours or refrigerate overnight.

5- Marinate for 2 hours at room temperature.

6- Marinate for 2 to 3 hours at room temperature.

7- Mercury is a liquid at room temperature.

8- Stir the parsley into the potatoes and serve at room temperature.

9- Screen transfer paper is hand – squeegee once or twice and then dry at room temperature.

10- at room temperature oils are liquid and fats are solid.

11- They are usually solid at room temperature .

12- The entire process took 6–8 hours at room temperature .

13- Those vegetable dishes are served at room temperature .

14- Have resin at room temperature before mixing.

15- Most eggs used in baking are at room temperature .

16- at room temperatures it is a solid.

17- It tastes great either warm or at room temperature .

18- Ice cream has a short shelf life at room temperature .

19- It may be stored at room temperature .

20- Left roast at room temperature for five hours.

21- All procedures were carried out at room temperature .

22- Do not cool food at room temperature .

23- The chemical freezes on contact at room temperature .

24- Most bacteria and fungi grow slowly at room temperature .

25- Trans fats are also solid at room temperature .

26- Serve at room temperature with maple whipped cream.

27- The water should be at room temperature .

28- Allow dough to soften slightly at room temperature before continuing.

29- Enjoy while warm or at room temperature .

30- Some materials even showed different behavior at room temperature .

31- at room temperature , it is very stable.

32- In general, animal fats are solid at room temperature .

33- at room temperature , tear gases are white, solid substances.

34- Consequently, at room temperature diamond is a relatively static crystal.

35- This cake will keep for several days at room temperature .

36- Serve hot uggs for kids or at room temperature .

37- Allow the mixture to cool at room temperature .

38- Store garlic at room temperature in a dark place.

39- Store at room temperature for one week.

40- Store at room temperature for 2 to 3 days.

41- Let this mixture stand at room temperature while the roast cooks.

42- Product should be at room temperature for best results.

43- Store in a dry location at room temperature .

44- The plants are dried at room temperature in a dark space.

45- The cake will keep at room temperature for 3 days.

46- Which metal is a liquid at room temperature and pressure?

47- It is stable in air and moisture at room temperature .

48- Extremely pure zinc reacts only slowly at room temperature with acids.

49- All experiments were done with the crystal at room temperature .

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