Use “asset portfolio” in a sentence | “asset portfolio” example sentences
1- There are no specific regulations relating to the structure of pension funds’ asset portfolios .
2- It had a huge but poorly performing asset portfolio , associated with a depressed share price.
3- Second , the acquired asset portfolio contains large and attractive exploration assets, especially in offshore deepwater.
4- The management of the banks’ asset portfolios also remains a challenge in today’s economic environment.
5- Beta’s leverage was up to 10 times, depending upon the quality of its asset portfolio .
6- International financial integration among nations has afforded investors the opportunity to diversify their asset portfolios by investing abroad.
7- As with other intermediaries, the nature of these liabilities influences the composition of the asset portfolio .
8- There were three land fund programs, giving rise to 12 land fund partnerships for different land asset portfolios .
9- Financial institutions – which act as intermediaries between lenders and borrowers, and manage their own asset portfolios .
10- Talisman has been active in Indonesia since 1994 and has steadily grown its asset portfolio over the past 18 years.
11- With the market currently attributing little value towards the Company ‘s asset portfolio we see potential upside for risk tolerant investors.
12- Prior to introducing the equity partnership program, the RTC had engaged in outright individual and bulk sales of its asset portfolios .
13- This is preferable to you or your financial adviser choosing different asset portfolios and trying to blend them to get superior returns .
14- Before the development of the inter-bank market, there were significant gaps in the maturity structure of many banks’ asset portfolios .
15- Finally, having in mind the different types of asset allocation portfolios , it is up to you which one will most effectively meet your needs and financial situation.
16- A NYSE-listed energy company on the $898 million divestment of its Malaysian asset portfolio to SapuraKencana Petroleum (SKP), comprising nine offshore blocks.
17- Most 529 college savings plans allow you to choose from a variety of predetermined asset allocation portfolios that range from conservative to aggressive, based on historic risk and potential return.
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