arbitration tribunal in a sentence

Use ‘arbitration tribunal’ in a sentence | ‘arbitration tribunal’ example sentences

1- The arbitration tribunal has jurisdiction over its own jurisdiction.

2- The arbitration tribunal shall conduct its proceedings in the English language.

3- The arbitration tribunal shall comprise three arbitrators.

4- A sole arbitrator or a panel of arbitrators so appointed constitute the arbitration tribunal .

5- Professor Arnold Nixon Shimmin, Member, National arbitration tribunal .

6- An arbitration tribunal convened in Paris in 1898, and issued its award in 1899.

7- Night Baseball Arbitration is a variation of baseball arbitration where the figures are not revealed to the arbitration tribunal .

8- The arbitration tribunal shall sit in New York, New York and the arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in English.

9- The provincial government ended up rejecting the proposal and scrapping existing religious arbitration tribunals for Jews and Christians in the process.

10- The most controversial of them were referred to the Police arbitration tribunal , which reported its determination on 20 December 2013.

11- Mr. Gunther has successfully litigated patent, trade secret and other intellectual property cases before numerous federal district courts and arbitration tribunals .

12- However, their recent loss at a Premier League Managers’ arbitration tribunal to former manager Kevin Keegan is another matter entirely.

13- Henry John Grimsey, Secretary, National arbitration tribunal and Industrial Disputes Tribunal, Ministry of Labour & National Service.

14- That compared with the current statutes set for repeal with the adoption of the Crops Bill and ALFFA Bill, there is an apparent gap in how arising disputes established the Sugar arbitration tribunal .

15- The rulings of arbitration tribunals are binding in law,provided that both parties in the dispute agree to give it the power to rule ontheir case.

16- He draws on the firm’s global resources, notably its Paris and Frankfurt dispute resolution teams, to act in all the main international arbitration tribunals .

17- Raising the stakes over the South China Sea, the Philippines will file a case against China later on Sunday at an arbitration tribunal in The Hague, subjecting Beijing to international legal scrutiny over the waters for the first time.

18- In such a situation a serious risk might arise that two arbitration tribunals could make contrary findings, but that risk is disposed of by a remarkable provision in reg 23 allowing LCH to call for consolidation of the two arbitrations.

19- The Sports arbitration tribunal (TAS) in Lausanne has set 9th October as day for Viktor Troicki’s appeal, the Serbian tennis star who has been suspended for 18 months for skipping a blood test last April, during the Rolex Masters in Monte Carlo.

20- He litigates employment disputes of all types before federal and state courts, arbitration tribunals (e.g., FINRA, JAMS and AAA), and before administrative agencies in New York and across the country.

21- The first case taken to an ICSID arbitration tribunal , on the basis of an investor-state arbitration clause in a BIT, occurred only in 1987.

22- The sharecroppers also had the right to join a marketing cooperative, while their conflicts with owners were to be resolved at arbitration tribunals to which both sides elected an equal number of representatives.

23- The dispute between the smelter operators and affected landowners could not be resolved, resulting in the case being sent to an arbitration tribunal .

24- The Philippines then filed a memorial in the arbitration tribunal in The Hague, which severed relations even further as China ‘will not cooperate in the case’.

25- China captured the Scarborough Shoal through military force, which triggered the Philippines to file a sovereignty case against China in an International arbitration tribunal .

26- He appealed to National arbitration tribunal of Sport (Tribunale Nazionale di Arbitrato per lo Sport), A hearing was scheduled on 12 November (which was moved from 19 October) but gave up after the hearing on 10 December 2010.

27- It is now believed that with the submission of the agreement to the UN that the arbitration tribunal could begin within a year, but is expected to take at least three years to reach a decision that will be binding upon each country.

28- However, a Slovenian referendum was held on 6 June 2010 on approving an agreement to bring the border dispute with Croatia before an international arbitration tribunal .

29- Thus, if a party wants to challenge the jurisdiction of the arbitration tribunal , it can do so only before the tribunal itself.

30- In 1898, at Venezuela’s request, an international arbitration tribunal was convened, and in 1899 they issued an award giving about 94% of the disputed territory to British Guiana.

31- Following extensive written pleadings, in April 2009 the parties presented their closing submissions to the arbitration tribunal over six days at an oral hearing at the Peace Palace, The Hague.

32- Winsor’s proposals for the abolition of the Police Negotiating Board and the Police arbitration tribunal were accepted, and are being legislated for in the Anti-social Behaviour, Police and Crime Bill, presently before Parliament.

33- The PNB failed to agree on the proposals, and so they were referred to the Police arbitration tribunal , which reported on 8 January 2012.

34- An arbitral tribunal (or arbitration tribunal ) is a panel of one or more adjudicators which is convened and sits to resolve a dispute by way of arbitration.

35- Arguably, either position is potentially unfair; if a person is made to sign a contract under duress, and the contract contains an arbitration clause highly favourable to the other party, the dispute may still referred to that arbitration tribunal .

36- If the contract (valid or otherwise) contains an arbitration clause, then the proper forum to determine whether the contract is void or not, is the arbitration tribunal .

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