african tribe in a sentence

Use ‘african tribe’ in a sentence | ‘african tribe’ example sentences

1- The father really was the king of an african tribe .

2- Colonialism and imperialism pressured african tribes and wildlife.

3- Jackie ends up in an african tribe‘s village.

4- Various african tribes have a highly advanced tradition of arts and handicrafts.

5- Unlike most other african tribes , Maasai widely use drone polyphony.

6- Worse and more uncivilised in my opinion than the subsaharan african tribes .

7- Many african tribes have lived in homes made completely of grasses and sand year-round.

8- It was the first time an african tribe had founded and administered a game park.

9- West african tribes spoke many different languages and so Islam gave them one language to speak.

10- The Ancient Egyptians differentiated strictly between “real” dwarfs and dance gifted pygmies of african tribes .

11- Many african tribes engaged in marriage and polygamy without their being any sort of evidence of religion.

12- A mythical african tribe called the Bouda is reputed to house members able to transform into hyenas.

13- The book follows the religious rites and customs of a single african tribe for a full year.

14- Dahomey, Turkey, and the african tribes that Captain Speke discovered, cherish slavery.

15- The European slave trade, were ironically certain african tribes help capture and eradicate entire tribes from Africa.

16- While studying at Duke University , Sally lived with an african tribe inside a goat dung hut.

17- To the african tribe there is one other occasion upon which the villagers sing to the child.

18- This tradition, however, did not extend to every african tribe , as several valued shorter hair.

19- The dialect was used to communicate with both Europeans and members of african tribes other than their own.

20- Its merchants invented the practice of sale by auction and used it to trade with the african tribes .

21- Similar ideas existed among other african tribes , who believed that their chiefs would be reincarnated as elephants.

22- The rudest of the Asiatic nations, and of the african tribes offer sacrifices for the same purpose.

23- Various african tribes have a rich oral tradition and mythology and legends are an important part of that tradition.

24- These dances can still be seen in Native American tribes, african tribes andvarious other cultures throughout the world.

25- To have one European tribe rule you for 91 years and follow that with one african tribe 27 years.

26- In some african tribes women gather together, apart from men, laughing and enjoying themselves during their time apart.

27- A mixture of North and West african tribes wove their unique ways into the framework of Timbuktu’s culture.

28- The languages of West african tribes affected by the slave trade provide some clues as to the origins of zydeco.

29- For the photo shoot, the girls were photographed by Huggy Ragnarsson where they have to pose with african tribes .

30- Some african tribes leave their elderly to die by the rivers and waterholes so that the wild animals will eat them.

31- You may have seen a film of the african tribe , the Masai, running: they run on their toes.

32- The high incidence of disease nearly always fatal to Europeans kept nearly all the slave capture activities confined to native african tribes .

33- Today’s Jews, he said, are just descendants of converts from african tribes i.e. the Khazars and the Berbers.

34- Using war canoes the african tribes of the coast fought back with lance, club, sword, and especially poisoned arrows.

35- Some african tribes believe that the animal masks can help them communicate with the spirits who live in forests or open savannas.

36- I don’t know very well the ” african tribes ” you mention, but your grip on Japanese culture is hogwash.

37- Also, Snowden indicates that Romans had accurate knowledge of “negroes of a red, copper-colored complexion…among african tribes .

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