ad hoc tribunal in a sentence

Use ‘ad hoc tribunal’ in a sentence | ‘ad hoc tribunal’ example sentences

1- The Rules contain several further departures from the practice of the ad hoc tribunals .

2- Numerous public statements suggest that the ad hoc tribunal will be limited to those 5 cases only.

3- Annual costs for the ad hoc tribunals have regularly run into the hundreds of millions of dollars.

4- He welcomed the decision of President Megawati to extend the jurisdiction of the Indonesian ad hoc tribunal .

5- Addressing the issues of justice and crimes, he said there had been many calls for ad hoc tribunals .

6- Following several ad hoc tribunals , the international community decided on a comprehensive court of justice for future crimes against humanity.

7- After consulting with Lowell and under his authority, the Dean convened an ad hoc tribunal of administrators to investigate the charges.

8- The Kosovo Courts will be watched closely by the domestic courts in Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro and Bosnia-Herzegovina as the ad hoc tribunal in The Hague winds down its work and begins to refer cases back to the national jurisdictions.

9- Two similar proposals to this effect were made (one by the representative of Lebanon and one by the representative of Chile); if adopted, their effect would have been to prevent all ad hoc tribunals .

10- The most visible and recent elaboration of the right to a fair trial has been in the context of the ad hoc tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda as well as the statute for the new permanent International Criminal Court.

11- Indeed, Vladimir Putin considers it a trap that could be used as before to establish an ad hoc tribunal against him and make him take responsibility for the war against the Islamic Emirate of Ichkeria (Chechnya).

12- Before too long, the work of the ad hoc tribunals will continue and conclude in the work of the Mechanism for the International Criminal Tribunals (MICT).

13- Where does all this leave us, nearly seventy years after Nuremberg and twenty years after the creation of the first ad hoc tribunal ?

14- The ad hoc tribunals were designed to give the new international tribunals primary jurisdiction, and the hybrid courts were built on the premise that purely domestic justice was not possible in those particular cases.

15- When horrifying atrocities occurred in the Balkans and Rwanda, the United States led the push for accountability, resorting to the UN Security Council’s Chapter VII authority to establish those ad hoc tribunals .

16- Only after the Cold War ended, did the two new international ad hoc tribunals — the ICTY and the ICTR — finally usher in the modern age of international criminal justice.

17- He called on the Indonesian authorities to furnish the ad hoc tribunal with the jurisdiction required to prosecute all serious crimes committed in East Timor from January through October 1999.

18- Long-term reconciliation, nation-building, and capacity-building were also essential, as was expansion of the jurisdiction of the ad hoc tribunal and the Reception, Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

19- Referring to the misgivings about the composition and appropriateness of Indonesias ad hoc tribunal , the UN Secretary Generals Special Representative in East Timor, Sérgio Vieira de Mello, said: We will judge on the results.

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