a pot of tea in a sentence

Use “a pot of tea” in a sentence | “a pot of tea” example sentences

1- Sam went into the kitchen to make a pot of tea.

2-2- He also made a pot of tea .

3- She set about making a pot of tea .

4- She ordered a pot of tea for one.

5- And lingering for hours over a pot of tea is normal.

6- The orderly came in with a pot of tea .

7- He went into his kitchen to make a pot of tea .

8- Anita makes a pot of tea for the three of us.

9- She made a pot of tea .

10- You may bring me a pot of tea at four o’clock.

11- Mrs. Mott was in the kitchen making a pot of tea for Matthew.

12- One waiter came by with menus and a pot of tea without a word.

13- Gloria was next door making a pot of tea in Mrs Parvis’s kitchen.

14- Sarah had made a pot of tea and left them together in the overcrowded room.

15- She disappeared to return immediately with a plate of sandwiches and a pot of tea .

16- He had breakfasted lightly on Marmite and toast washed down with a pot of tea .

17- She put the card down, and pondered as she made a pot of tea .

18- After he had made a pot of tea they sat near the range and surveyed each other.

19- Now she would be able to make a pot of tea and wake herself up properly.

20- Serve baby éclairs, crust-less sandwiches, a pot of tea and pink Champagne on ice.

21- They breakfasted on sugared porridge, boiled eggs, bread and butter, and a pot of tea .

22- The waterside cafe serves everything from a pot of tea to a full range of appetising snacks and meals.

23- She would make herself a pot of tea , put the confusion to the back of her mind.

24- He even made a pot of tea and poured her a cup when she got up for work.

25- a pot of tea is passed around, and as the light flickers, the fragrant liquid warms their souls.

26- a woman came out of her house and apparently poured a pot of tea around the base of a bush.

27- She let herself in and ministered to their needs, brewing a pot of tea and lighting a good fire.

28- It was ten o’clock; she brewed a pot of tea and made one more effort to contact Harris.

29- I said yes and Lloyd told Lewis to go and make a pot of tea and invite the Dennison kid in.

30- I went over to the range to get the kettle and make a pot of tea and listened to their conversation.

31- I asked her to bring me up a pot of tea , and when she had gone, inspected the room further.

32- I walked slowly back into Dent for a pot of tea and a slice of buttered spiced loaf at Stone Close Cafe.

33- He strode into the room and picking up the kettle with an old cloth he proceeded to make a pot of tea .

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