They’ve in a sentence

Use ‘They’ve’ in a sentence | ‘They’ve’ example sentences

1- They’ve taken three shots at it.

2- Where have those six got to?

3- They’ve escaped.

4- They’ve been chatting on the phone for the last hour or so.

5- Hannah and Joseph frequently fight after They’ve had something to drink.

6- The meat They’ve been putting in the garbage is starting to attract rats.

7- They’ve gone yachting for the weekend in their friend’s 40-foot sailboat.

8- Teresa is a dedicated fan of the band, and owns every CD They’ve ever recorded.

9- I read somewhere that 70% of VCR owners say They’ve never used the timer function.

10- Matthew has been secretly juggling two girls at once, but now They’ve found out about each other.

11- Many of the cyclists have said that this course is the toughest one They’ve had to face this year.

12- Time after time I’ve invited them to come over and visit us but time and time again They’ve never come.

13- Their relationship has always been fairly volatile, so I’m not surprised to hear that They’ve split up.

14- Sophocles stated that ignorant men don’t know what good they hold in their hands until They’ve flung it away.

15- The cats were digging in the rubbish to find the scraps of fish you threw away, and They’ve made quite a mess.

16- The boys have a decided advantage over the girls in the baseball game because They’ve been practising for weeks.

17- Gorillas are so common in the African country of Gabon that They’ve become somewhat of an environmental nuisance.

18- More than 20 percent of men, and 10 percent of women say They’ve forgotten their wedding anniversary at least once.

19- Alan Coren once said that democracy consists of choosing your dictators after They’ve told you what it is you want to hear.

20- They’ve just bought a new house, and their mortgage is costing them over $1,500 a month.

21- I don’t know how they do it.

22- Hunter S.

23- Thompson once said, “I hate to advocate drugs, violence or insanity to anyone, but They’ve always worked for me.

24- “A couple of friends of mine are having a party to celebrate the fact that They’ve just finished paying off the mortgage on their house.

25- Well, for the practical problem, in the midst of those rumours flying around I’m surprised They’ve been able to keep that club running.

26- Gorillas, endangered in most other parts of Africa, are said to be so common in the nation of Gabon that They’ve almost become a problem.

27- Rita Rudner once joked, “I think men who have a pierced ear are better prepared for marriage.

28- They’ve experienced pain, and bought jewelry.

29- “Muriel Spark once suggested, “A short neck denotes a good mind.

30- You see, the messages go quicker to the brain because They’ve shorter to go.

31- “Gorillas, endangered in most other parts of Africa, are said to be so numerous in the nation of Gabon that They’ve almost become an environmental nuisance.

32- When my students worry that they aren’t improving, I use the analogy of my children’s growth: I’m not aware of how much They’ve grown because I see them every day, but friends who see them infrequently certainly notice the change.

33- Since then, They’ve released few details about what happened to her.

34- 836757They’ve gone from underground heroes to Grammy Award winners.

35- They’ve taken me around the world and they take me to bed each night.

36- The only problem is They’ve been banding together in separate groups.

37- 492198Most adults have no idea what vaccines They’ve had as a child.

38- I want it to be true that aliens are out there, that They’ve visited.

39- 836868They’ve painted themselves into a real corner,”” Cullen said.”

40- ‘They understand what They’ve done’ “It’s not a freebie,” Elves said.

41- They’ve also added the most debt to the country over the same period.

42- The problem is that the dogs can’t indicate which drug They’ve found.

43- It was a night for the Bengals to show how far They’ve come in a year.

44- People aren’t inclined to care for a country They’ve no connection to.

45- They’re trying to make a lot of money, before They’ve made any at all.

46- 836889They’ve really put themselves out there to help us, said King.”

47- They’ve also got a new website where you can refill your cards online.

48- This is the second time They’ve been here since Kaia got her diagnosis.

49- In place of Confucian wisdom, They’ve come up with more current wisdom.

50- They’ve gotten the better of us, but I’m not discouraged in the least.”

More Sentences: 123
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