TV screen in a sentence

Use ‘TV screen’ in a sentence | ‘TV screen’ example sentences

1- There are TV screens with rolling book recommendations .

2- The angle selection window appears on the TV screen .

3- The menu bar appears on the TV screen .

4- And then the TV screen was blue.

5- Can’t stop yelling at the TV screen .

6- The pictures are watched on a TV screen .

7- The multiple TV screens are great for my fellow attention deficits.

8- There are big TV screens on the walls.

9- Soaps were popular long before they hit TV screens .

10- The image may be too large for your TV screen .

11- There are some men that transcend the TV screen .

12- A TV screen as thin and flexible as paper .

13- The colors look much more vivid then on TV screen .

14- The disc’s menu appears on the TV screen .

15- A TV screen set into a built-in unit.

16- Bush often turned to look at a TV screen .

17- She then glances at a TV screen displaying the next scene.

18- She is always on the front right of your TV screen .

19- It’s a significant improvement over the 1080 TV screen .

20- Too gruesome to watch and subtitles terrible on a TV screen .

21- Color TV screens contain between 0.5 and 1 g of europium.

22- Something you won’t see on your TV screen .

23- The Karaoke indication appears on the TV screen .

24- TV screens around the nation made it falsely appear the shortage was nationwide.

25- Buildings: Sydney Tower is visible on the construct TV screen .

26- A wire connected to the patch is linked to a TV screen .

27- The world loves to watch people commit sin on the TV screen .

28- The TV screen showed a column of Negroes standing along a highway.

29- Each eruption heralds the screening of ads on the TV screen .

30- We’re in this huge marquis with five TV screens .

31- Also, a giant TV screen was placed in the South-East corner.

32- Nervous glances up at the TV screens in the gym .

33- TV screens on platforms carry entertainment programmes , but no anti-litter messages.

34- Despite lacking a live TV screen , the EPG is expertly designed.

35- When the screen saver function is activated, the TV screen gets darker.

36- Early computer-based image generator systems also used TV screens and sometimes projected displays.

37- Every time I looked up at the TV screen this was on.

38- The list will be displayed at the bottom of the TV screen .

39- New lighting technology has literally transformed the sides of buildings into giant TV screens .

40- Their usual activities were interrupted when the TV screen went black for 30 seconds. Computer models can simulate a collision between galaxies and display it on a TV screen.

41- It’s refreshing and gratifying to see them on my TV screen each week.

42- “I NEVER imagined I would get hooked on reading comic books on a TV screen.

43- So the back-and-forth on the TV screen does increase voters’ knowledge about national probleMs. The TV screen announcer (behind the scenes) whispered only to the audience, “The password is DEER”.

44- ” The baby brings in a T-square and triangle, measures the dimensions of the saucer displayed on the TV screen, and retires to his room, where he builds “his own toy spaceship.

45- All program statues are indicated by the style of logo at the upper right-hand corner of the TV screen.

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