2nd in second position in a sentence

Use “in second position” in a sentence | “in second position” example sentences

1- Four competitors were tied in second position on 38 points.

2- Stewart qualified and finished in second position .

3- It takes place in second position into the song.

4- in second position was the big hitting Eoin Ryan.

5- This left Hill in second position and only five second behind Prost.

6- Honda CRV was ranked in second position with 1,336 units.

7- Cregger ‘s casting is in second position to Guys With Kids .

8- Lorenzo qualified in second position , one tenth slower than the pole time.

9- It remained in second position for three weeks, before descending from the chart.

10- in Australia, Vettel again took pole, with Webber in second position .

11- Sharath Shetty and Andrew Sim remain in second position , six points behind.

12- Former Australian captain Steve Waugh is in second position with 32 centuries from 260 innings.

13- Senegal finished Group A in second position and thus qualified for the round of 16.

14- América finished in second position of the qualifying stage and advanced to the group stages.

15- Tracy finished the rain-delayed race in second position behind Bourdais on the following Monday.

16- Schumacher made his second pit stop on lap 37, exiting in second position behind Coulthard.

17- Pelé came in second position .

18- Coulthard was third in the other Williams car; Schumacher split them in second position .

19- in Spain Prost once again out-qualified Hill who was in second position on the grid.

20- Boca finished three points behind Independiente to finish in second position during the Torneo Apertura.

21- The Bulldogs finished the Minor Premiership in second position but crashed out of the Finals.

22- Normally, you’ll be playing in second position , but you might not be.

23- Olimpia finished in second position of their group with 10 points and advanced to the quarter-finals.

24- in the ranking of no religion, Santa Cruz appears in second position with 19.86%.

25- Sentence clitics were still placed in second position within the sentence in accordance with Wackernagel’s law.

26- The team in second position played seven holes before registering their first birdie on the Short Caberfeidh.

27- For Arnett , the pilot is formally in second position to NBC’s Up All Night .

28- Schumacher eventually served the time penalty on lap 27, finishing the race in second position behind Hill.

29- Norwegian Alexander Kristoff won the bunch sprint and the race, while Cancellara finished in second position .

30- Like in 2008, Steeve Briois was the FN top candidate whereas she figured in second position .

31- Sporting has failed to win a championship in 12 years, finishing in second position for 4 consecutive seasons.

32- Despite the youth of the car and some treacherous weather conditions, Sébastien Ogier finished in second position .

33- in 2005, Kenny’s first full season in charge, they finished in second position in the league.

34- Western Province won 17-13 and finished top of the Currie Cup log, with the Sharks in second position .

35- At the end of the first half of the season Basel were in second position in the domestic league table.

36- A municipal councillor since 1995, Steeve Briois led the FN list while Marine Le Pen was in second position .

37- Those tag questions which expect an affirmative answer may employ the particle “xom” in second position within the sentence.

38- When an auxiliary verb is present, it appears in second position , and the main verb appears at the end.

39- With 18 laps of the race remaining, and with Mansell in second position , the brakes on his car failed.

40- Häkkinen finished in second position at the European Grand Prix, having traded the lead position with Schumacher throughout the race.

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