undertake the task in a sentence

Use “undertake the task“ in a sentence | “undertake the task“ example sentences

1- I repeat that we cannot undertake the task.

2- I therefore consented to undertake the task .

3- So I decided to undertake the task .

4- Strathclyde authority undertakes the task diligently, but still faces problems.

5- Several biographers have undertaken the task of describing Gandhi’s life.

6- Should the staff fund raising person undertake the task of interviewing key constituents?

7- Reeve agreed to undertake the task .

8- It was Arnold J. Toynbee who undertook the task .

9- Vaseekaran undertakes the task of stopping Chitti.

10- My primary qualification is that I have been willing to undertake the task .

11- Kamil undertook the task of putting the depleted Third Army in order.

12- Many dog owners have undertaken the task of making their dog ‘s food themselves.

13- Eventually, Wellington undertook the task of forming an administration to this end.

14- And Moses called on them and all skilled persons to undertake the task .

15- the Church in the spirit of the New Evangelization undertakes the task of reconciliation.

16- Ample space was required to undertake the tasks and to prepare and store the items required.

17- the 7th Infantry Division was selected to undertake the task of recapturing Attu Island.

18- the responsibility is entirely on the Government and on the Minister who undertook the task .

19- Piccinino had undertaken the task of blocking papal and Neapolitan troops en route to Apulia.

20- the Messenger of Allah gave glad tidings to anyone who undertakes the task of seeking knowledge.

21- When I undertook the task it was not with a resolve such as men often make.

22- Managers undertake the tasks of planning, budgeting, organizing, staffing, controlling and problem solving.

23- At the age of eighteen, in 1859, Kostić undertook the task of translating Shakespeare.

24- One officer named Lao Barchetia undertook the task of creating breach between the king and the premier.

25- Along with joining the EU the country undertook the task of joining the Eurozone as well.

26- Listings are then prepared to allow the assessor to undertake the task with the best possible information.

27- Along with Raphael and Casey Jones, he undertakes the task of fixing up the vehicle.

28- Global Marine Ltd. and a team from Falmouth Divers undertook the task of clearing the beach.

29- Nawab Kapur Singh undertook the task of consolidating the disintegrated fabric of the Sikh “Jathas”.

30- Throughout history, those who have undertaken the task of educating humanity have been faced with a paradox.

31- He then undertook the task of recruiting the huge labor force required for the building of the canal.

32- Every year, millions of American families undertake the task of arranging child care for their school-age children.

33- Helena Douglas has undertaken the task of rebuilding DOATEC but wants to use its technology for peaceful ends.

34- Whether we wished to undertake the task or not, Fate had saddled the burden upon our backs.

35- If the subordinate has to be so elaborately controlled the supervisor might just as well undertake the task .

36- He immediately undertook the task of safeguarding the Chola capital and routed Vikramaditya VI from the Chola capital.

37- State and most county agencies cannot clean up dead fish and private landowners must undertake the task themselves.

38- As the apostles died, various writers undertook the task of defending Christianity against the persecutions of the pagans.

39- Lawley’s administration undertook the task of demarcating and allotting separate reserves in the Transvaal for indigenous Africans.

40- the consensus of the brethren in Presbytery was that Lusk was the fittest memebr to undertake the task .

41- In 1978, the Beijing Department of Cultural Relics undertook the task of repairing and renovating the temple.

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