jam tart in a sentence

Use “jam tart“ in a sentence | “jam tart“ example sentences

1- Then time for tea and of course jam tarts .

2- She sees the jam tarts have been untouched and the trial is pointless.

3- Harry.” “Want a jam tart , Hermione?” said Fred.

4- Then they made jam tarts .

5- Harriet played in tennis doubles and her public school boyfriends crowded in to eat her jam tarts .

6- Come on, let’s take your coat off and then you can have your jam tart .

7- jam tart .–Place your tart in the hinge of the door, and close briskly.

8- Members dressed up as the characters from Alice in Wonderland and had jam tarts and sandwiches in the refreshments on offer.

9- When he did come into the kitchen, it was to see Annie and the visitor tucking into tea and jam tarts .

10- I do try not to be a stupidly over-indulgent grandparent, but then I remember how my own mother would refill jam tarts for my children after they’d licked the jam out of the pastry, and they seem to have suffered no ill effects!

11- Sunday tea was bread and dripping sprinkled with salt and pepper, one of mum’s scones, and a piece of jam tart with twisty squiggles of pastry on top.

12- Alice is then taken to the royal court where the Knave of Hearts is put on trial for apparently stealing the Queen’s jam tarts .

13- Another English Epiphany dessert was the jam tart , but made into a six-point star for the occasion to symbolize the Star of Bethlehem, and thus called Epiphany tart.

14- There would be potato scones for tea, split down the middle, butter melting in their golden hearts, and probably jam tarts , for Aunt Margaret was making pastry.

15- My eyes were immediately attracted to the table and my mouth started watering when I saw the home-made cakes and jam tarts laid out on a white lace tablecloth.

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