How to use tardy in a sentence
1- They were tardy in offering help.
2- Do please forgive this tardy reply.
3- Do please forgive this very tardy reply.
4- He continually bewailed his tardy journey to his mother’s house.
5- He was never tardy or absent the whole semester.
6- He’s been tardy three times this semester.
7- I was as tardy as ever for the afternoon appointments.
8- It’s impolite to make a tardy appearance.
9- Let me apologize for my being tardy in answering your letter.
10- The boss is unsatisfied with the tardy tempo.
11- The law is often tardy in reacting to changing attitudes.
12- Then brusquely his tardy rage flamed up.
13- Two of the pupiles were tardy this morning.
14- We apologize for our tardy response to your letter.
15- In retrospect the studio appears unforgivably tardy.
16- He wept for the loss of his mother and his tardy recognition of her affection.
17- Yorkshire may have been slightly tardy in not monitoring his schoolboy progress.
18- Quaker creditors showed great tolerance to those who were tardy in paying their bills.
19- Soon many employees may exhibit tardy behavior.
20- The somewhat tardy episode 2 is ‘ coming soon.
21- Do please forgive this very tardy reply.
22- When new employees are tardy take action quickly.
23- The British relief response was tardy and inadequate.
24- The action it did take was tardy .
25- I am tardy in keeping this list of data current.
26- The tardy will not count against the student.
27- Arrival after this time is considered tardy .
28- We’re tardy enough that that happened.
29- It ‘s not just being ” tardy .
30- Medical assistance, water and ammunition were also tardy in arriving.
31- Soon after–you guessed it–she was tardy again.
32- I ‘ve had tardy issues a majority of my life.
33- State that you are aware of your tardy payment.
34- At the tardy bell the class stands and recites 2 pledges.
35- Dear Colleen, Please forgive my tardy response!
36- Dwight tardy will start in his place.
37- Chasing up tardy donors was identified as a major priority .
38- The campus is being subjected to LAPD ” tardy sweeps” every month.
39- Students arriving after the 8:10 bell will be tardy .
40- tardy Book may also be issued for late work.
41- Avs fans remember plenty of his tardy back-checking here .
42- Yorkshire may have been slightly tardy in not monitoring his schoolboy progress.
43- Sorry to be tardy in responding to your reply.
44- This is a tardy and begrudged recognition.
45- Idealists could claim that British policy had been tardy and hesitant.
46- tardy and late employees responsible for critical tasks can negatively affect organizational production.
47- Management attempted to issue ” tardy slips” for staff who were late.
48- Lateness is defined as being ” tardy ,” a punishable offense.
49- tardy claimed that Mr. Lehman had left his possessions to him.
50- To be fair, tardy does come to this conclusion eventually.
51- tardy accused the ship’s cook John Gibson of the poisoning.
52- The chief doesn’t like it when his people are tardy .
53- Happily, the Federal movements were even more tardy .
54- tardy called to Dobson “Mr. Dobson, where are you?
55- tardy fired two pistols at them in an attempt to escape.
56- If at all possible, don’t be tardy .
57- Dr. Brereton made three casts of Tardy’s skull.
58- Their tardy arrival suggests the problem was execution , not so much innovation.