tapirs in a sentence

How to use tapirs in a sentence

1- All newly born tapirs are covered with stripes and spots as camouflage.

2- It features tigers, pythons, tapirs and crocodiles.

3- Russell tentatively compared it to the capybaras and tapirs .

4- The first true tapirs appeared in the Oligocene.

5- This means that horses share a common ancestry with tapirs and rhinoceroses.

6- In many areas, tapirs , howler monkeys and parrots are already gone.

7- tapirs occur in South America as well as Asia.

8- Our tapirs Toby and Tara arrived.

9- I do agree that finding said tapirs or specific skins was a PITA.

10- tapirs it seemed were going to be harder to see than the bears.

11- tapirs frequent wet tropical forests.

12- Wildlife includes gibbons, elephants, tapirs , pigs, deer and the occasional tiger.

13- The elephant house also used to house African elephants, rhinos, hippos and tapirs .

14- Smaller mammals are also numerous, ranging from gibbons and monkeys to flying foxes and tapirs .

15- In the wild, Sumatran tigers prey on wild boar, Malayan tapirs and deer.

16- Among the mammals were relatives of camels and tapirs as well as carnivores and insectivores.

17- Animals occupying the state during this period included camels, tapirs , monkeys, tigers and rhinos.

18- Animal life in the area includes different species of monkeys, anteaters, white-tailed deer and tapirs .

19- tapirs like to bathe, and will make treks to pools and rivers for this purpose.

20- Wildlife here includes marsh deer, capybaras, caimans, anteaters, tapirs and the elusive jaguar.

21- This order also includes the extant species of rhinos and tapirs , and many extinct families and species.

22- Ocelots, jaguars, otters, tapirs , harpy eagles, and other endangered species survive there.

23- Once again there was plenty of signs of tapirs and bears but we didn’t see any animals.

24- A tribe of herbivorous early hominids is foraging for food in the African desert with some tapirs alongside it.

25- During the Pleistocene there existed two species of tapir in North America: the California and Florida tapirs .

26- The elephants and Malayan tapirs were moved to the Toyota Elephant Passage prior to its opening in June 2012.

27- Illegal hunting of Baird’s tapirs is a major threat for populations in Costa Rica, Belize and Panama.

28- Marsh deer, coatimundi, giant anteaters, tapirs and giant river otters are all potential targets for our lenses.

29- Dense and lush forests fill the valleys, and many endangered animals and birds reside here, including jaguars and tapirs .

30- It contains 1,400 animals from 220 species including jaguars, tapirs , macaws, spider monkeys, howler monkeys and quetzals.

31- Nearby are paddocks housing vicuña (wild relatives of the llama), capybara, Brazilian tapirs and formally common rheas.

32- Order of hoofed mammals including horses, tapirs , and rhinos, which only the tapir is native to North America.

33- Sumatran rhinos, tigers, gibbons, tapirs , proboscis monkeys and thousands of other species could go the same way.

34- Although warthogs and tapirs no longer reside at the Zoo, the hippo remains, but has been retired from public display.

35- Although the rhino’s range overlaps with elephants and tapirs , the species do not appear to compete for food or habitat.

36- While I was quite lucky to see both Bears and tapirs in a short stay, it was not without considerable effort.

37- The perissodactyls include the horses, rhinoceroses, and tapirs ; among the artiodactyls are the deer, cattle, and sheep.

38- Members of this order walk on either one toe (like horses) or three toes (like rhinos and tapirs ).

39- They regularly take adult caimans , deer, capybaras, tapirs , peccaries, dogs, foxes, and sometimes even anacondas.

40- tapirs formerly inhabited Europe, Asia and North America; modern day tapirs are confined to Central and South America and Malaysia.

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