tap dancer in a sentence

How to use tap dancer in a sentence

1- The rookie manager already has become an accomplished tap dancer .

2- I like the rhythm that tap dancers make.

3- A tap dancer called a river to encircle the main podium.

4- By this age, Phoenix was also an accomplished tap dancer .

5- Wait, one’s a tap dancer , too.

6- tap dancers as entertainment falls somewhere between colonic irrigation and embalming.

7- Rogers sees tap dancers at Betty’s Little Theater.

8- In need of great tap dancers !

9- To some, they are the greatest tap dancers who ever lived.

10- Ted is an accomplished accordionist, ventriloquist, magician and tap dancer .

11- In “The Performance,” a Jewish tap dancer enthralls Hitler.

12- Performer and burlesque tap dancer Jen Zakrzewski and artist Matt Jones also star.

13- tap dancer Savion Glover appeared during Wonder’s performance of “I Wish”.

14- During this tour, he met the African-American trombonist and tap dancer Ellis Jackson.

15- You will be hard pressed to find a song that is appropriate for a tap dancer .

16- Liccione is an award winning performing artist – comedian, tap dancer , choreographer and arts educator.

17- US dancer and choreographer, considered to be one of the greatest tap dancers of the century.

18- She dreams of someday being a famous tap dancer , and can be very sensitive to cruel pranks.

19- Hoofers are tap dancers who dance only with their feet, making a louder, more grounded sound.

20- Brad is bullied as a kid because he was a “fat, Chinese, gay tap dancer .

21- Her first $60-a-week job was as a tap dancer at the Lido Club in Montreal.

22- dancer Mark Knowles has echoed this assertion, calling Juba “America’s first real tap dancer “.

23- It’s in the blood and I was a tap dancer once upon a time a million years ago .

24- tap dancer Sean Robinson, representing Australia, and ribbon dancer Bei Zheng, representing China, followed.

25- Not all ensemble members need to dance, though strong tap dancers are required for some roles in the show.

26- Moore’s co-stars were singers Adelaide Hall and Aida Ward and renowned tap dancer Bill “Bojangles” Robinson.

27- De Mille also made use of such vernacular forms as a square dance and a cadenza for a tap dancer .

28- The Ranch had shake dancers, ventriloquists, comics, jugglers, torch singers and world-famous tap dancers like Teddy Hale.

29- By the mid-’90s, a sort of boys club of the next generation of tap dancers was gathering steam.

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