tanks in a sentence

How to use tanks in a sentence

1- In 1944, German tanks and soldiers retreated from Latvia, leaving countless buildings in total ruin.

2- These tanks, although slower than the Vickers Lights, were much more heavily armoured.

3- They invaded the country with tanks and guns.

4- At the games they were sold by men who kept them warm in hotwater tanks.

5- We need to bring up more tanks.

6- A spearhead of tanks led the infantry attack.

7- All gargle glasses on the oil and water tanks should be cleared.

8- Are plot sizes large enough for septic tanks and soakaways?

9- Attacks by enemy aircraft forced the tanks to retreat .

10- Certain truck gasoline tanks can rupture and burn in a collision.

11- Demonstrators immobilized tanks using gasoline bombs.

12- Fire may have breached the cargo tanks and set the oil ablaze.

13- Following the heavy rain, the storage tanks were filling up again.

14- It outclassed most of the tanks of the time.

15- Kamikaze tanks are controlled automatically.

16- Mount the tanks side by side on a firm base .

17- Oil tanks hide behind pampas grasses and dried-up clematis.

18- One of the tanks was firing beehive rounds point-blank.

19- The aquarium has many tanks of fish.

20- The fuel tanks on the planes rupture and burst into flame.

21- The plane emptied its fuel tanks as it started losing altitude.

22- The rainwater discharges into the outer two tanks in the row.

23- The tanks broke down with increasing frequency.

24- The tanks exploded as the plane hit the ground.

25- Their tanks would be vulnerable to attack from the air.

26- There were armoured personnel carriers and tanks on the streets.

27- They used their tanks against the leftists without compunction .

28- Unescorted tanks attacked hidden infantry at their own peril.

29- Water tanks should be well lagged and the roof well insulated.

30- We watched the tanks rumbling past the window.

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