talking in a sentence

How to use the word talking in a sentence

I couldn’t figure out what he was talking about.

I enjoyed talking with him at the party.

I enjoyed talking with him.

I can’t relax when I’m talking with him.

I couldn’t figure out what she was talking about.

I pulled her by the sleeve, but she went on talking unconcernedly.

I tried to change the subject, but they went on talking about politics.

We sat talking about the remote past.

Sometimes she tried talking to him about India.

One should always be careful in talking about one’s finances.

The man talking with our boss is Hiroshi.

When talking about his hobby, he always puts on a serious expression.

Women use talking to maintain personal relationships.

Shall we shoot the breeze for a while before talking business?

The girl talking with Mayumi is my sister.

They are talking loudly when they know they are disturbing others.

Man is above all things the talking animal.

All the students began talking at once.

The students are talking about language and culture.

You must be careful when talking to a European.

They carried on talking even after the teacher came in.

Stop talking when the teacher comes in.

minshiruiThe teacher went on talking for two hours.

He keeps on talking forever if you listen to him.

Some people think talking back to an adult is rude.

Stop talking loudly.

I felt like talking to someone.

I don’t feel like talking with anyone.

Who were you talking to?

I’m talking on the phone.

There’s no talking to him when he’s angry.

Who is the woman talking to my brother sitting next to him?

He broke off talking because of the sudden noise.

Two doctors were talking shop.

There is a tendency for Japanese to want to know a certain amount of personal information about someone such as age, position and whether they are married or not, before they feel comfortable talking with a ser.

He is the very person I was talking of.

We were talking about him when he appeared.

The matter that he is talking about is important.

Please don’t cut in while I’m talking with him.

Keep off the religious issue when talking with him.

Giving advice to him is like talking to a brick wall.

It is no use talking with him.

He is always talking big.

His way of talking come home to us all.

He stayed in his hotel most of the next day, talking to friends and supporters.

He started talking about his ideals as usual.

He is talking of going to Spain this winter.

We stood talking for half an hour.

He went on talking as though nothing had happened.

What is he talking about?

He is used to talking to foreigners.

He is in his element when talking economics.

He sometimes forgets what he was talking about.

He is talking of disposing his house.

I have enjoyed talking to you.

I have enjoyed seeing you and talking about old times.

Who is he talking to?

He’s talking on the telephone.

He ceased talking suddenly.

We enjoyed talking with each other.

He had a good time talking with her.

He will be talking with his family at this time tomorrow.

He’s not talking theory.

He stopped talking to them.

They were talking from to o’clock.

I don’t like people who always insist on talking about politics.

They are talking about this and that.

They sat up talking late at night.

They kept talking all the time.

They are talking about music.

They went on talking for hours.

They are talking with each other.

I enjoyed talking with my girlfriend.

They are talking in the kitchen.

The man whom she is talking with is Mr Allen.

The man with whom she is talking is Mr Allen.

I enjoyed talking with her.

I am fed up with talking to her.

She has a bad habit of talking a long time on the phone.

There is no use talking to her.

The students around her were talking about the test.

Her way of talking got on my nerves.

She was talking all the time.

She likes talking best of all.

She went on talking about her new car at the party.

She kept from talking during the meeting.

She started talking with a ser.

She seems to be fond of talking about herself.

She went on talking to her friend even after the class began.

She kept on talking while eating.

She carried on talking in spite of the loud noise.

She started talking as soon as she got through.

She enjoyed talking with him.

She kept on talking after I asked her to stop.

You are talking through the nose.

There is no use talking to him.

sezerpicakHe took delight in talking with friends.

We passed the evening away talking with our friends.

I can hear someone talking in the next room.

I am talking with Tom.

It is when you overcome that, that a boy becomes somethingsomething If you’re trying to say something important sounding keep talking right to the end!Do I really have that good a personality?

It’s talking about how, thanks to air transport, we’ve lost the sense of ‘season’ for foodstuffs.

On TV someone with a serious look on his face is talking about the problems of our country’s future.

We’re talking big bucks here.

You’re talking a load of crap!

He enjoys talking out of turn.

I really enjoy talking to you.

They were talking head to head.

You’re talking drivel as usual!

I heard you talking in your sleep last night.

He is talking with a naturalist.

I know the person you are talking about.

I heard their talking by chance.

Who were you talking to just now?

We have been talking up the game.

They all started talking at once.

I chanced talking to her.

I like to think I know what I’m talking about.

We stopped talking so that we could hear the music.

While he was talking, I guess I was absentminded.

I asked him to stop talking, but he still went on.

Once she starts talking, she is hard to stop.

To tell the truth, I don’t like his way of talking.

That’s my skill talking.

Don’t interrupt people when they are talking.

Don’t cut in while others are talking.

You should hold your tongue while someone else is talking.

The baby is now at the stage of talking.

The teacher, not having heard the bell, didn’t stop talking.

Don’t cut in when others are talking.

It is not polite to interrupt someone while he is talking.

Stop talking.

A bird is known by its song and a man by his way of talking.

Many Americans are uncomfortable with silence, and they tend to regard silence in a conversation as a signal that they need to start talking.

Suddenly, they stopped talking.

Seeing me, they suddenly stopped talking.

I don’t like his way of talking.

He is a teacher, as is clear from his way of talking.

He frequently jumps from one topic to another while he is talking.

He has a good art of talking.

He warned us to cease talking.

He resembles his father in his way of talking.

He kept talking.

He didn’t stop talking.

He stopped talking.

They stayed up late talking.

They stopped talking.

They sat on a park bench and began talking.

She kept on talking.

She stopped talking.

Don’t cut in while we’re talking.

We enjoy talking.

Will you stop talking?

Will you stop interrupting me when I’m talking!

A few sessions talking to a counsellor should straighten him out.

A knot of people stood talking outside the door.

A neighbour saw her talking with Craven.

A year ago, few people were talking about such a doomsday scenario.

After a while, we naturally started talking about the children.

After talking non-stop for two hours, her voice started to fail.

And talking of supporters, you’d better lock your barrow.

Ann and Joe aren’t talking to each other right now .

Are we talking about protecting Nicky or killing Bourne?

Are you two going to stop talking and go to sleep?

At the moment, no one is talking to me.

Betty was talking to herself under her breath as she worked.

Both teams were talking trash on the court.

Businessmen are tired of politicians talking the economy down.

Button up, will you? I’m talking now.

Carl is talking with a hotel clerk about room rates.

Essentially, we are talking about the cold war period.

Finally he managed to break the ice by talking about the movies.

He has funny habit of blinking when talking with others.

He instantly grasped that Stephen was talking about his wife.

He is talking to Tom on the internal telephone.

He knew I didn’t plug in to what he was talking about.

He shows an almost childlike timidity in talking with strangers.

He spoiled my enjoyment of the film by talking all the time.

He spoiled my enjoyment of the game by talking all through it.

He stood apart from us when talking about girls.

He stopped talking and looked curiously at the old chinaberry.

He was reprimanded by a teacher for talking in the corridor.

He was talking while pointing at the map.

He’s always talking about his beloved computer!

He’s only talking to her to make you jealous.

He’s talking in terms of starting a completely new career.

Hi Phil. What a coincidence — we were just talking about you.

His ability did not come through when we were talking with him.

His voice was hoarse after talking for an hour.

I cannot stand for talking in my class.

I chanced to overhear them talking about you.

I could hear Sarah and Andrew talking in the next room.

I feel out of my element talking about politics.

I feel out of my element when people begin talking economics.

I filled the kettle while she was talking and plugged it in.

I hate the man who enjoys talking big.

I really couldn’t fathom what Steiner was talking about.

I smile like an idiot when I’m talking to you.

I soon got talking to my fellow passengers.

I switch off when he starts talking about cars.

I think he was talking tongue-in-cheek.

I was just talking to Jan, when Dave cut in .

I was talking to a woman I met on the flight.

I’m just talking in the abstract now.

I’m talking about the real bionic man.

If we go on talking all round the subject, we’ll get nowhere.

It felt so unreal to be talking about our son like this.

It seemed unreal to be sitting and talking to someone so famous.

It took me ages to latch on to what she was talking about.

It turns out Levy is talking in metaphorical terms.

It was distressing to hear her talking like that.

Jane was very composedly talking to Bingley.

Janice sat up talking with Byron long after Aster left.

Karlson is full of swagger when it comes to talking about his team.

Keiko became green with envy when she saw kanji talking to Junko.

Larkin’s talking to James Brady, the president of NIT.

Make eye contact with the person you’re talking to.

Marsha has this exasperating way of talking to me like a child.

Mary is talking of looking for another job.

Mrs. Dambar was talking very rapidly and somewhat forcefully.

Ms. Kane is talking to someone else now.

Paul, in typically rude fashion, told him he was talking rubbish.

Pay attention when I’m talking to you!

People were still standing outside talking intently.

People were talking about them being a championship contender.

Pike was talking to a waitress and gripping her wrist very tightly.

Please refrain from talking during the performance.

PMJI but what are you talking about?

Remember that jittering we were talking about?

Several people talking at once distract a listener.

She cast her eyes down modestly while Jack was talking about her.

She diverted herself with talking to her baby.

She has been talking very explicitly about AIDS to these groups.

She seemed preoccupied all the time I was talking to her.

She went on talking about roast beef.

She’s always talking about herself?she gets on my wick.

She’s just talking a load of old bollocks .

Stop talking about yourself in the third person.

Stop talking in riddles -say what you mean.

That is the Freudian slip that I’ve been talking about.

The article is emphasized after talking on one hand.

The child’s incessant talking started to irritate her.

The market is talking about a great depression, bread lines and war.

The one you’re talking to is all tolerance and forbearance.

The students are talking abut their weekends in the class.

The tramp frightened her by talking to her.

The two old friends were talking nineteen to the dozen.

Then everyone started talking about the Paralympics.

There he goes , blah blah blah, talking nonsense as usual.

They are not talking a story Mr. Wren wrote aa spavined horse.

They are talking about elderly pursuits.

They began talking about radio control for torpedoes.

They sat talking and necking in the car for another ten minutes.

They stayed talking until well into the night.

They were amazed that I was talking in an Irish accent.

Those who disparage Brutus are talking of his shadow.

Wang shows an almost childlike timidity in talking with strangers.

We are not talking youthful indiscretion here.

We are talking about really microscopic levels….

We could hear a group of tourists, talking in loud grating voices.

We had a delightful time talking about the olden days on his farm.

We sat talking on the stoop until midnight.

We spent a leisurely afternoon talking about old times.

We were just talking about Simon’s new girlfriend.

We were just talking about the manager and bang he burst in.

We were sitting there talking this and that.

We’re not talking playing ability. We’re talking gumption.

We’re talking about a figure in the low hundreds.

We’re talking Euro-yen capital market activities.

We’ve been out and about talking to people all over the country.

Well-dressed clients were talking in polite undertones as they ate.

What he is talking about is just a castle in the air.

When it comes to talking about patriotism, he’s an extremist.

You are certain to feel comfortable talking to a Libra.

You dream up a yard of sandpaper, damp, you’re talking tongue.

You know damn well what I’m talking about.

You must admit George, you’re talking absolute rubbish.

You’re actually talking about this stuff in a dispassionate way.

You’re crossing my path in work by talking all the time.

You’re talking like an addled romantic.

Zoe overcompensates for her shyness by talking a lot.

He went on talking, occasionally wiping at his face with a towel.

I tried to get him talking, but he wasn’t very responsive .

These are oilmen talking, on the make.

When talking, he hiccupped and lit a cigarette.

While we were talking, a bloke came up.

Attend to your work and stop talking.

Bronwen tried to have her talking. But no use.

Finally, It’sounds trite but the secret really is to keep talking.

He could smell a rat in the way the men were talking.

He ignored her interruption and carried on talking.

He was very solemn and refrained from talking.

His grandfather would always chip in while we were talking.

If we can know their frequency we will monitor their talking.

Julia became irritated by the child’s incessant talking.

Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf fell to talking.

Lucy would not give ear to such kind of talking.

Never break in while others are talking.

She has a slow, deliberate way of talking.

She said apologetically, ” I’m tired. Go on talking. ”

The Maestro snaps and points at her. She stops talking.

The man continued talking. She answered him desultorily.

The two of them began to wrangle the moment they got talking.

They obey the one unwritten rule that binds them all?no talking.

They spend an inordinate amount of time talking.

We need to get down to some serious talking.

In the library it is understood that loud talking is not permissible.

The masseur is talking about some basic knowledge of sole massage to the guest.

Politicians accuse the media of talking up the possibility of a riot.

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