took place in a sentence

How to use the word took place in a sentence

Back and forth action took place between both teams.

The accident took place near that intersection.

A sacred ritual took place in the magnificent temple.

The graduation ceremony took place on the morning of the first of March.

The sacred ritual took place after being postponed twice.

His statement corresponded to what actually took place.

The explosion took place because of his carelessness.

I went to every modern art show that took place in Tokyo last year.

The burial took place on Friday.

A holdup took place in broad daylight in a crowded street.

A lot of rebuilding took place in the aftermath of the war.

A smoke bomb created a diversion while the robbery took place.

Against a background of impending famine, heavy fighting took place.

Colonization took place during the Habsburg dynasty.

Despite this opposition, the first human implant took place in 1980.

Hangings took place outside the prison as a public spectacle.

Her induction as councillor took place in the town hall.

I was light years away at the time these alleged crimes took place.

My first little skirmish took place over a film, one about rape.

Notwithstanding his objections the marriage took place.

Officially, the talks never took place.

On the floor above the loony bin, nobody quite knew what took place.

Similar studies took place in field trials in Mali and Niger.

Suffrage reforms took place in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries.

The American Revolution took place during the reign of George III.

The Battle of Actium took place in 31 BC.

The British conversion to the metric system took place in the 1970s.

The exchange of prisoners took place this morning.

The far end of his cell faced the moat, where executions took place.

The foundation of the university took place 600 years ago.

The funeral of Queen Elizabeth I took place at Westminster Abbey.

The funeral took place on 24 April at 3 pm.

The incident took place about 500 yards from where he was standing.

The island was uplifted and igneous intrusions took place.

The last execution of an active duty serviceman took place in 1961.

The marriage ceremony took place in the church.

The marriage took place notwithstanding his objections.

The meeting took place a few days later in a hotel conference room.

The robbery is a carbon copy of one that took place last year.

The talks took place in the presence of a diplomatic observer.

The trial took place amid a blaze of publicity.

The visit took place amidst tight security .

The world premiere took place in August 1956.

Their betrothal took place with great pomp and rejoicings.

Their induction into the church took place in June.

Their marriage took place amid a blaze of publicity.

This liberation usually took place about daybreak on Wednesday.

This often took place in the pub and involved thinking aloud.

Today’s award ceremony took place at the British Embassy in Tokyo.

Voting took place peacefully across most of the country.

We have incontrovertible evidence of what took place.

When the attack took place, there were no victim support schemes.

Who was on the bridge when the collision took place?

It was during the period of 1943-1945 that his political awakening took place.

In the 1860s a veritable explosion of major scientific publications took place.

At this point a visual inspection took place to ensure that there were no leaks.

Her attorneys claim there is no conclusive evidence that any murders took place.

A major refurbishment of the Science Area took place during the summer vacation.

Secondly, an important shift in the character of exports and imports took place.

The show took place outside the imposing Central Library building on Fifth Avenue.

We had timed our arrival well as the local Highland Games took place the next day.

The riots took place against a background of widespread unemployment.

The border closure meant, in effect, that no trade took place between the countries.

Sadly the Archduchess died during a smallpox epidemic before the wedding took place.

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