tailor in a sentence

How to use the word tailor in a sentence

Father always has the tailor make his suits.

The tailor tailored him a suit.

He bound his son to a tailor.

He had his dress made by a Paris tailor.

He was only an apprentice to a tailor.

Deep drawing experiments were carried out for tailor – welded blank square boxes.

He bailed the woolen cloth to the tailor to be made into an overcoat.

Mr De Maeseneire, a multilingual 51 – year – old , looks tailor – made for the job.

As the tailor never saw his subject, it always amazed me how well the dresses fitted.

SWML provides comprehensive and tailor – made wealth management services to investors.

Left and right hooks followed each other until the frightened tailor sank to the floor.

His commands are absolute; no man may tailor them to suit his fancy.

There were special stores and barber shops and tailor shops for the people of the project.

His father was a tailor in Como, and young Antonio made his first fabric design at age 12.

Francis Place, remembering his days as a journeyman tailor, endorsed this view.

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