poshest in a sentence

Use “poshest” in a sentence | “poshest” example sentences

1- It is amongst the poshest areas of Pune.

2- Do you live in one of the poshest spots in Britain ?

3- You ‘re officially in one of the poshest places in the country.

4- poshest candidate and Mensa clever clogs with an IQ of 174 .

5- He went to Glenalmond , one of Scotland’s poshest boarding schools.

6- This month’s magazine has a a guide to the poshest wind farms in Britain.

7- Often called “the UK’s poshest pub” it also features a number of guestrooms.

8- It’s the oldest and poshest hotels in town but the staff know how to have fun.

9- In fact, the Beggars’ Guild is the leaseholder for some of the poshest tenant houses in Ankh.

10- JESUS RODRIGUEZ, a 26-year-old Mexican immigrant, lives in Aspen, Colorado – America’s poshest ski resort.

11- In fact, the most aggressive beggars I have encountered in SF have been in Union Square around the poshest hotels.

12- When eight Shiite members walked out of a council meeting a week ago to protest the manner in which a vote on women’s rights was conducted, they retired to Chalabi’s house, located in the city’s poshest district.

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