equity portfolio in a sentence

Use “equity portfolio” in a sentence | “equity portfolio” example sentences

1- It also has an investment club, which aims at managing an equity portfolio .

2- Today, investment in India forms just less than 1percent of global equity portfolio .

3- Today, 17Capital is recognized as the leading preferred equity investor in private equity portfolios .

4- Gold funds complement your equity portfolio as it tends to do well when markets fall.

5- A very well diversified equity portfolio got hit as badly as not so a diversified portfolio .

6- An equity portfolio top heavy in financials and huge legacy holdings like Coca-Cola and American Express .

7- IFC’s private equity portfolio currently stands at roughly $3.0 billion committed to about 180 funds.

8- Q. What would be the best fixed-income or stable investment instruments to balance my equity portfolio ?

9- MSCI indices are widely used as the benchmark indices by which the performance of global equity portfolios are measured.

10- This is true especially when this technique is implemented with the intention of alleviating the volatility of an equity portfolio .

11- After some time , the equity portfolio rises to Rs 11 lakh and the debt portfolio to Rs 10.6 lakh.

12- About 10 percent of Norway’s Government Pension Fund’s assets are outsourced to external managers, especially in its equity portfolio .

13- Today its students run a $5 million-plus equity portfolio that is believed to be the nation’s largest that is managed by students as an extracurricular activity.

14- Previously, Kathryn was Head of the GEM team at Lloyd George Management from 2007, where she was responsible for developing investment strategy and managing equity portfolios across a range of emerging markets.

15- Until someone can explain why it makes sense for individuals to maintain personal equity portfolios , the odds are that the selling will continue.

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