Use “ministerial portfolio” in a sentence | “ministerial portfolio” example sentences
1- No single ministerial portfolio or government agency is responsible.
2- ministerial portfolios were not immediately announced .
3- Lalabalavu subsequently resigned his ministerial portfolio .
4- He was reputed to be as knowledgeable on some ministerial portfolios as the ministers responsible themselves.
5- Geagea was subsequently offered ministerial portfolios in the new Lebanese government (formed on Christmas Eve).
6- These women are disproportionally appointed to oversee ministerial portfolios (17.1 percent of ministerial posts in 2005).
7- The new Cabinet includes four new ministers , a new ministry and some changes to current ministerial portfolios .
8- It was understood that the Communists could claim a share of the ministerial portfolios if they so desired.
9- On 15 October 2004, Tamihere requested leave from his ministerial portfolios after accusations of dishonest financial dealings made against him.
10- Every ministerial portfolio has its challenges , and thanks for a job well done are as rare in politics as sympathy.
11- On 3 November Tamihere resigned from his ministerial portfolios , citing as untenable the retention of his responsibilities during on-going investigations.
12- Jim Short and Brian Gibson both resigned in October 1996 as both held shares in companies that were within their ministerial portfolios .
13- Campbell initially refused to redistribute ministerial portfolios on the sole advice of the premier, who lacked the confidence of his cabinet.
14- The Northern Ireland Executive is a power-sharing executive with ministerial portfolios to be allocated between parties by the d’Hondt method .
15- Will Mamata apologise to the people of West Bengal and India for compromising with the communal forces for the sake of a few ministerial portfolios ?
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