Use “patent portfolio” in a sentence | “patent portfolio” example sentences
1- Apple’s patent portfolio offers a few hints.
2- Unilever’s patent portfolio includes over 20,000 registered patents and patent applications.
3- A patent portfolio surrounding that idea can therefore add value to the startup.
4- Of course , Google purchased Motorola to make its patent portfolio stronger.
5- HEB has one of the largest patent portfolios in the biotechnology industry.
6- Its valuable patent portfolio and high-margin services business could draw interest from technology companies .
7- The company also holds an extensive patent portfolio , including approximately 6,100 patent families.
8- Anyway Google only purchased Motorola for its patent portfolio as a defensive weapon .
9- These new patents will open up new vistas in our world-class patent portfolio .
10- This month an investor, TruePosition, acquired the company’s patent portfolio .
11- Google bought Motorola a year ago partly for access to its rich patent portfolio .
12- It is evident that on an average, patent and patent application portfolios keep increasing.
13- Noted investor Carl Icahn urged Motorola Mobility to investigate selling its patent portfolio .
14- The Cambridge patent portfolio includes about 40 families of patents, covering both technologies and products.
15- Leveraging a patent portfolio may also be accomplished by partnering with a patent licensing firm.
16- Nearly everyone has heard of Nortel Networks and the famous auction of its patent portfolio .
17- Used properly, a patent portfolio can be used to obtain important tools for a company.
18- In some cases, the patent portfolio may be the only surviving asset of defunct companies.
19- The companies together own a patent portfolio consisting of more than 10,000 issued and pending U.S. patents.
20- patent trolls operate much like any other company that is protecting and aggressively exploiting a patent portfolio .
21- At the time I started working in law, Korean companies were globally expanding their patent portfolios .
22- Several patent holders have offered royalty-free patent licenses for a very small portion of their patent portfolios .
23- It also demonstrates that Google is committed to having one of the world’s largest patent portfolios .
24- Companies in the mobile industry have been bulking up their patent portfolios to protect themselves from litigation.
25- In counseling clients, Dan prepares validity and infringement studies to assist clients in evaluating their patent portfolios .
26- Ma Bell owned a voluminous patent portfolio developed by its R&D centre, Bell Labs.
27- RIM’s secure, managed network and robust patent portfolio could be worth north of $8 billion.
28- Google owns it , and they bought Motorola for the patent portfolio , not the phone hardware.
29- However, it kept its patent portfolio , viewed by analysts as a promising source of future growth.
30- Oracle just spent about $7 billion to buy Sun, much of it for its patent portfolio .
31- Building and maintaining a strong global patent portfolio requires an understanding of the latest legal developments affecting your industry.
32- Qualcomm Incorporated includes Qualcomm’s licensing business, QTL, and the vast majority of its patent portfolio .
33- Has Tesla given the thumbs down to the patent attorney’s who pretend to protect patent portfolios from infringement?
34- Many details must be considered and researched in light of the unique qualities of your business and patent portfolio .
35- This work proposed a new framework for understanding the way firms manage their patent portfolio in a knowledge-based economy.
36- Complementary technology, funding, and even more assets can be had by judicious use of a patent portfolio .
37- For more than five years , Keefe has played a leading role in defending and enforcing Facebook’s patent portfolio .
38- No one is interested in their patent portfolio or again , it would have been snapped up 6 months ago.
39- And his company, Intellectual Ventures, provokes vigorous debate in its unique business model that profits from patent portfolios .
40- Release 3 provides an additional module that allows customers to manage their patent portfolio more easy and in a swift manner.
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