portfolio in a sentence

Use “portfolio” in a sentence | “portfolio” example sentences

1- The total portfolio exceeds nine hundred million.

2- The total portfolio is worth nearly $8 million.

3- Our global school improvement portfolio is extremely diverse.

4- Project portfolio management has become a hot topic.

5- The portfolio is filled with impressive graphic design pieces.

6- This means that balanced portfolios are generally vested.

7- That portfolio includes oversight of contractor operations.

8- They encourage foreign direct investment and foreign portfolio investment.

9- She has taught studio art and portfolio preparation courses since 1992.

10- Effective portfolio management involves both strategic and tactical portfolio management.

11- Effective portfolio management involves both strategic and tactical portfolio management.

12- The new portfolio is organized around four significant thematic areas.

13- Midwest asset acceptance group provides portfolio review and valuation.

14- Net foreign investment also includes portfolio investment.

15- Direct and portfolio investments are freely permitted.

16- Smaller and less diversified portfolios particularly pronounced since 2003.

17- Strategic research portfolio analysis and coordination plan.

18- Many registered management investment companies have multiple portfolios .

19- Direct investment is differently motivated than is portfolio investment.

20- portfolio interest generally does not include contingent interest.

21- Some investment advisers manage portfolios of securities.

22- In 1929 he executed four portfolio artworks.

23- No single ministerial portfolio or government agency is responsible.

24- ITV plc reviewed its digital channel portfolio .

25- Stock traders advise shareholders and help manage portfolios .

26- The edition size was 10 portfolios with ten impressions each.

27- portfolio return may be evaluated using factor models.

28- Few lenders are comprehensive or ” portfolio lenders”.

29- A model portfolio may be stocks plus bonds.

30- Other forms of programme trading include portfolio insurance.

31- One to three ministers are ministers without portfolio .

32- The average portfolio maturity is 90 days or less.

33- A junior minister has a much more limited portfolio .

34- It recommended simply tilting your portfolio toward value stocks .

35- There are ways to reduce portfolio volatility.

36- Its recent acquisitions should positively enhance its product portfolio .

37- All 3 portfolios are in positive territory.

38- He had won 13 elections and held nine portfolios .

39- The company subsequently expanded its station portfolio through acquisition.

40- We had a very high quality credit card portfolio .

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