Use “night porter” in a sentence | “night porter” example sentences
1- He’s probably talked to the old night porter .
2- Suppose the night porter has gone through to the kitchen to make a sandwich.
3- The night porter used a passkey for those rooms that were empty or where no-one answered.
4- We think the night porter called them out, probably to make a few quid.
5- We reassured him; no one knew, the night porter had been bribed to keep quiet.
6- A night porter would receive £2.66 an hour while a leather sewing operator would get £2.67.
7- The following night he was starting as one of two night porters assigned to the new office block.
8- Sergei had not been idle; he had gone to the lobby for a chat with the night porter .
9- After arguing with the night porter for another ten minutes, they worked their way up floor by floor.
10- We have a night service porter on duty and he will be pleased to provide late snacks if required.
11- On the late shift the desk and telephone switchboard are often covered by a skeleton staff or a night porter .
12- Downstairs would be in darkness, so any light going on would attract the attention of the night porter .
13- The night porter was coerced to letting us in to the hotel kitchen ( “We’re English and must make toast!
14- And the night porter certainly was on Gabe’s “patch.” What, in that case, was worrying Gleeson?
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