Use “porter” in a sentence | “porter” example sentences
1- I had the porter carry my suitcase.
2- I had the porter take my suitcases to my room.
3- The porter expects a gratuity.
4- She tipped the porter a pound.
5- The hotel porter will help you.
6- She had her heavy suitcase carried by the porter.
7- A porter relieved her of the three large cases.
8- I had to get a porter to lend a hand with luggage.
9- I said to the porter . ‘ Marguerite Gautier is dead?’
10- I will ask a porter to carry the baggages for me.
11- On arriving at the station, we hailed a porter to carry the bags.
12- Pull pints of porter for the men off the ship.
13- The consular porter spoke peremptorily.
14- The hotel manager signed to the porter to pick up my case.
15- The hotel porter will get you a taxi.
16- The old porter shambled along behind her.
17- The porter distributes incoming letters to the offices.
18- The porter had to force the window open every morning.
19- The porter hoisted the valise up on the well.
20- The porter put our scruffy rain-sodden luggage on a trolley.
21- The porter was weighed down by all the luggage.
22- I declined to tip the porter, who left with a surly expression.
23- The porter, however, could not understand me.
24- His first job in the hotel was as a lowly porter.
25- I struggled with my bags, desperately looking for a porter.
26- She managed to charm his address out of the porter.
27- A porter relieved her of the three large cases she had been pushing on a trolley.
28- Jonson has run the gamut of hotel work, from porter to owner of a large chain of hotels.
29- A kindly looking lady doctor arrived, followed by a porter towing a saline drip apparatus.
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