Use “portentously” in a sentence | “portentously” example sentences
1- ‘No good will come of this,’ she announced portentously.
2- And he waxes portentously for a moment.
3- The cover portentously read: “Emergency Procedure in case of Nuclear Attack”.
4- A doctor appears throughout, portentously describing various body parts and what to do with them.
5- Her last words had been spoken very portentously , and I rewarded them with a dubious shrug.
6- He nodded portentously , and Taliesin said in an undertone to Fael-Inis, ‘This is terrible.
7- She sounded portentously excited.
8- This was a match, the Guardian concluded portentously , that would have “resonance for years to come”.
9- The Palace Handbook, rather more portentously , says of ‘Ginger’ that ‘activity is the keynote of his policy on the football field and he has developed effective footwork and combines well with a partner’.
10- YOUTHFUL BRITISH PIANIST AND BERKLEE graduate Julian Joseph’s début album is portentously entitled ‘The Language of Truth’ ( East West ).
11- Somewhat portentously , she drifted through storylines that dealt with promiscuity, disillusionment, and petty theft with the cool detachment of a character in an arthouse film.
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