Use “portentous” in a sentence | “portentous” example sentences
1- The report contains numerous portentous references to a future environmental calamity.
2- The problem with the book is that it sometimes descends into portentous philosophizing.
3- Keep it, in any case, familiar, facetious even, rather then pedantic and portentous.
4- Suddenly a portentous atmosphere has been established.
5- Her advice in person was a little more portentous .
6- The split reflected a portentous difference of approach within the Party.
7- portentous discourses of fire alternated with choral renderings”.
8- This otherwise banal event strikes me as mysterious, portentous .
9- A portentous moment, for those who pay attention to portents.
10- What caused Columbus to undertake a voyage of such portentous solemnity?
11- Today, computer technology probably allows directors to generate portentous shadows at will.
12- Law also saw another portentous sign.
13- portentous bubbles rumbled up from turgid turquoise depths.
14- Sunderland won 2-1; perhaps he will think it portentous .
15- Dino wanted it to be light and amusing, rather than portentous .
16- In the thinly populated desert area north of Tamaghis a portentous event occurred.
17- This rationalization did not match the portentous significance of the event, however.
18- This portentous relocation from rural small town to giant metropolis proved auspicious for Tuska.
19- But she’s not a gloomy actress; her characters are not portentous .
20- Here’s what it’s about: Ooooooo, portentous .
21- Whereupon Labordette, in cold blood, told her some portentous anecdotes.
22- The New Orleans Crescent saw these facts as “full of portentous significance”.
23- His chief foible is his love of grand, portentous , and empty rhetoric.
24- The eerie thick fog that heralds their anniversary visit is a portentous means of transportation.
25- I” has a comic strain even at its most portentous , or pretentious.
26- O how portentous is prosperity!
27- The near future, however, is fraught with what appear to be many portentous hazards.
28- She was to be wrong-footed, she saw: made to feel ponderous, portentous .
29- In the musical discourse the ‘magic’ progression serves to symbolize portentous moments of various kinds.
30- Although marked by erudition and great learning, his work tended toward the portentous and overblown.
31- But last all these fancies yielded to that one portentous something in the picture’s midst.
32- At the end Halee shouts “So long already, Artie”, a portentous message.
33- I love these two videos so much – the music makes them so much more portentous and scary !
34- Her portentous , operatic indie-rock is about as appealing as an All About Eve B-sides compilation.
35- The overtones of the event and its portentous significance obscurely felt by those who took part in it.
36- Tradition holds that he named the settlement after the tree he was leaning against while witnessing the portentous event.
37- Hence the portentous , and even fatuous slogan which towered each year in brightest blue above the rostrum.
38- The long, Slow build-up is distinctly portentous , and no ultimate revelation could quite deliver the promised goods.
39- That ‘s why de Blasio’s campaign, and his possible mayoralty, could be a portentous episode.
40- Pictographic suns , spirals, the odd portentous phrase: “Heavy time”; “virus slave”.
41- That screenplay helps to ground a film whose visual imagination hovers somewhere between soap opera and a portentous pop surrealism.
42- Such were the dark and portentous signs of the times, which ushered into being the renowned Hartford Convention.
43- This timidity was portentous .
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