poignantly in a sentence

Use ‘poignantly’ in a sentence | ‘poignantly’ example sentences

1- Lennon’s widow, Yoko Ono, has poignantly referred to Lennon’s death in efforts to curb gun violence.

2- Lahiri enriches the themes that made her collection, The Interpreter of Maladies, an international bestseller: the immigrant experience, the clash of cultures, the conflicts of assimilation and, most poignantly, the tangled ties between generations.

3- Others are more subtle, like when Quinn poignantly remembers her sister’s aptitude for smelling “on a book the reaction of the last person to read it.”

4- Perhaps most poignantly, 9-year-old Catherine Hamill told Clinton and his wife, Hillary, how her father’s shooting at the hands of Ulster Freedom Fighters had shattered her life.

5- Helen Iskander poignantly demonstrates how, by dissolving our individual egos, we are able to live and exist with the earth, in companionship with it and other beings rather than compete against it.

6- I only discovered his speech in 2011 but re-read it regularly – the most poignantly punchy yet gently humorous history lesson I know.

7- The movie follows South African former president, ’s childhood, his role in the liberation struggle, and eventual freedom is poignantly told with in the role of the legendary father of a nation.

8- They’re all stand-alone superb, and one of the finest is Mr Cellophane, where sadly gullible but oddly loveable Amos (Grant Towers) sings poignantly of how his lot in life is to be overlooked.

9- This is revealed most poignantly by the fact that the recordings, like many others that were produced under similar circumstances, were not translated until 2007.

10- To celebrate this awakening, and poignantly guitarist Allan Faull’s untimely death during the recording of a new album, the release of “Hystorical” stands as a landmark to one of the most innovative rock bands of all time.

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