plutonium in a sentence

Use ‘plutonium’ in a sentence | ‘plutonium’ example sentences

1- plutonium‘s odd properties This fluctuation can explain why plutonium isn’t magnetic.

2- The warhead contained uranium instead of plutonium.

3- The Commission also prohibited the use of plutonium in nuclear weapons.

4- ORNL produced the first macroscopic quantities (grams) of separated plutonium with these processes.

5- Finishing his speech, he gleefully reveals two bars of the plutonium stolen from Northmoor, yelling “Get it while it’s hot”.

6- Public suspicions led to a federal investigation into plant security and safety, and a National Public Radio report alleging 44 to 66 pounds of misplaced plutonium.

7- Licensing and safety issues of using MOX fuel include: * As plutonium isotopes absorb more neutrons than uranium fuels, reactor control systems may need modification.

8- Volume 51, Issue 5. A close study of Powers’ account of the flight shows that one of the last targets he had overflown was the Chelyabinsk-65 plutonium production facility.

9- The fire was moving away from the plutonium facilities and the lab property.

10- India has developed the technology to produce the plutonium rich U-Pu mixed carbide fuel.

11- By July 1952 the separation plant was being used to separate plutonium and uranium from spent fuel.

12- Zvezda would be powered by two plutonium radioisotope generators and had a recoilless gun for defense.

13- X-10 was a demonstration plant for the process to produce plutonium from uranium by nuclear bombardment.

14- Meanwhile, Akabane is revealed as transporter hired by Makubex, and delivers him the plutonium needed for the bomb.

15- Some reprocessed plutonium is used to make fuel, but more is being produced than is being recycled as reactor fuel.

16- Fuel Unenriched uranium metal in aluminium cartridges with fins to improve cooling was used for the production of plutonium.

17- Disposal of plutonium and other high-level wastes is a more difficult problem that continues to be a subject of intense debate.

18- Algae cultivation is under study for uranium/plutonium sequestration and purifying fertilizer runoff.

19- For wide-area atmospheric monitoring, krypton-85 is the best indicator for clandestine plutonium separations.

20- BusbyCitation needed quotes a report on the plutonium activity in Welsh intertidal sediments by Garland et al.

21- Thorium MOX See also: :Thorium fuel cycle MOX fuel containing thorium and plutonium oxides has also been studied.

22- The SRS reactors were heavy water reactors so that they could produce both plutonium and tritium for the US nuclear weapons program.

23- In case of larger pieces of plutonium (e.g. a weapon pit) and inadequate heat removal the resulting self-heating may be significant.

24- Then an iron (II) salt such as ferrous sulfate was added, and the plutonium re-precipitated again using a bismuth phosphate carrier precipitate.

25- There is a common misconception that plutonium for India’s first nuclear detonation, Operation Smiling Buddha in 1974, was produced in a CANDU design.

26- Minor actinides recycling It has been proposed that in addition to the use of plutonium, the minor actinides could be used in a critical power reactor.

27- There was no formal commitment to a nuclear weapons program at that time, although plans were made to build reactors for the large scale production of plutonium.

28- Anything containing plutonium is dangerous, and dangerous over a long period of time.

29- At some point he was caught selling Soviet grade plutonium to and served 15 years in prison.

30- I guess Japan is a good of place as any since we’ve go so much plutonium stockpiled here.

31- plutonium is formed in the reaction process but undergoes transmutation into other elements and is essentially consumed.

32- Rather than the pellets of uranium oxide used in other fast reactors and conventional reactors as fuel, GE would fabricate metal alloy fuels, with the plutonium or uranium mixed with zirconium metal.

33- Their assignment is to retrieve three highly dangerous plutonium cores from a man code-named John Lark, who is working with anarchist terror-network The Syndicate (yes, them again) to bring down the free world.

34- There are documented cases of workers at nuclear weapons facilities dying within days of experiencing brief accidental exposure to plutonium, according to the Hazardous Substances Data Bank.

35- The way people get it is that they chemically break down the fuel rod and extract the plutonium.”

36- Three plutonium reactors in the Fukushima Dai-ichi power station melted down, spilling their radioactivity across the countryside … The earthquake and tsunami caused more than $210 billion of damage, making it the most costly natural disaster ever.

37- When things go awry, Hunt suddenly faces a choice: save Stickell, or protect the plutonium.

38- Ethan Hunt and his IMF team are joined by some familiar allies as well as some new faces in a race against time to recover stolen plutonium after a mission gone wrong.

39- The fuel value of plutonium is determined by the price of uranium.

40- The plutonium Finishing Plants PFP main processing facility complex, nicknamed ZPlant, because it was the last stop of plutonium production at Hanford, operated for 40 years at the U.S. Department of Energys DOE Hanford Site.

41- They must recover three plutonium cores before a notorious arms dealer named John Lark and a terrorist organisation known as the Apostles can use them to target the Vatican, Jerusalem, and Mecca in a single coordinated attack.

42- Uranium and plutonium resource basics.

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