plenty in a sentence 2

Use ‘plenty’ in a sentence | ‘plenty’ example sentences

51- The doctor prescribed vitamin C, and plenty of rest for her cold.

52- To maintain good health, it is important to drink plenty of water.

53- Let’s start in plenty of time.

54- I don’t like to run a risk.

55- Let’s start in plenty of time.

56- I don’t like to take risks.

57- It is a pity that some people starve to death even in the midst of plenty.

58- A proper diet, and plenty of rest have helped to restore her to good health.

59- Are new immigrants to New Zealand required to pledge allegiance to the Queen? plentyplenty of opportunities will present themselves, if only you are awake to them.

60- Make sure to drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated and young looking.

61- We don’t need all afternoon to do this.

62- A couple of hours will be plenty.

63- It is important to drink plenty of liquids when you spend time out in the hot sun.

64- There were plenty of people I didn’t know at the party, but it was lots of fun anyway.

65- There are usually plenty of students absent from class the first day after a long weekend.

66- Get lots of rest and drink plenty of liquids, and you should feel fine in a couple of days.

67- The students had ample time to do the test, and most finished with plenty of time to spare.

68- There is a Japanese proverb which states that you won’t get sick if you have plenty of work.

69- There is a South African proverb which holds that plenty sits still, but hunger is a wanderer.

70- Eating properly and getting plenty of exercise will help you to minimize the risk of a heart attack.

71- Raising horses is only feasible in areas where there is plenty of room for the animals to run around.

72- If you eat animal products (milk, cheese, eggs, fish, meat), your diet will contain plenty of protein.

73- If you can simply learn to think well, you will have plenty of career and education options to choose from.

74- It is really unnecessary to bring anything to the party, we have lots of food, and plenty of stuff to drink.

75- Get lots of rest, and drink plenty of fluids, and you should be feeling much better within a couple of days.

76- There is a Yiddish proverb which notes that there’s plenty of time to bemoan bad fortune once it arrives.

77- mobTo avoid catching a cold, eat well, and get plenty of sleep and exercise to keep up your resistance to infection.

78- Eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, protein and dairy products will ensure your body gets the minerals it needs.

79- Abraham Lincoln once observed that no matter how much the cats fight, there always seem to be plenty of kittens.

80- plightIf you have the money, then you may use it with other treatments, but the results from hypnotism alone should be plenty.

81- Let’s go out for pizza later.

82- We don’t have enough time right now, but we’ll have plenty of time after the movie.

83- An English proverb notes that in times of prosperity friends will be plenty, but in times of adversity not one in twenty.

84- I usually cut loose a bit and drink plenty before a day off work but if my drinks are cut with tochu tea then I get absolutely no hangover.

85- In the southern part of Japan, it rarely snows to any great amount except for in the mountains, but the northern part usually has plenty of snow in the winter.

86- Solon, the ruler of Attica (639-559 B.

87- C.

88- ), made it illegal to export figs out of Greece, thereby making sure there were plenty for his citizens.

89- A 103-year-old man once said “The secret to a long life is to stay busy, get plenty of exercise, and don’t drink too much.

90- Then again, don’t drink too little.

91- “There is a Chinese proverb which states that when we have nothing to worry about, we are not doing much, and not doing much may supply us with plenty of future worries.

92- There are plenty of other job search channels still available to you.

93- There are plenty of reasons for the lack of stars-and-stripes flavor.

94- French flags were everywhere, plenty draped across English shoulders.

95- Anther number that has seen plenty of change in recent years is wins.

96- There’s plenty of potential for the information Google is collecting.

97- There was plenty of food, music and activities – indoors and outside.

98- Sure, there is plenty of volume growth to come from emerging markets.

99- There are plenty of Grumpy Cat, doge and Left Shark tattoos out there.

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