plants in a sentence 8

Use ‘plants’ in a sentence | ‘plants’ example sentences

348- Entire species of plants are dying off in droves, just like mammals.

349- Environmentally friendly, gas-fired CHP plants such as Herne 6 can play an important role in further implementing the transition to a new energy mix in Germany.

350- European growers usually wait until plants are at least 30cm tall before beginning to prune for yield in the vegetative phase.

351- Even physical changes to your office space – like creating a more ergonomically-friendly workstation or putting plants in your office – can help you increase productivity during the day so you’re less tempted to take work home at night.

352- Even though I didn’t take any art classes, I now see that time spent drawing plants and flies as training my eye to see and my hand to respond.

353- Every time the Environmental Protection Agency adopts new standards for pollution at power plants, coal becomes more expensive to burn.

354- Exceptional aromatic tea blend made with the highest quality whole dried, crushed leaves of the purest tea plants in the world.

355- Exelon is the national’s largest operator of nuclear power plants, operating 23 reactors at 14 nuclear facilities in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Illinois.

356- Exposure to all of these plants can produce a rash, which is caused by sensitivity to an oily resin found in these plants called urushiol.

357- Extract from barley plants.

358- Fact: Our food system has changed dramatically especially in the past generation or 2. plants and animals, but especially animals.

359- Famous for their ability to heal and sooth the skin, aloe plants are also beautiful option for indoor plant decor.

360- Few ornamental products for the pet trade arecut flowers, tropical fish, nursery plants, and birds.

361- Finally getting rain and snow (still way below average) but also frustrated because there are a ton of potted plants needing to get in the ground ASAP before hot weather sets in. Can’t work the soil when it’s this wet.

362- Finally, some non-woody tropical plants, like jade and “snowrose”, are good choices for indoor environments in cool or temperate climates.

363- Firestone researchers also set up Liberia’s first cattle-breeding program and a botanical experimentation program that led to the introduction of new varieties of tropical fruits and plants.

364- Firstly, the arbitrary lines humans have drawn between plants and animals have become blurred as demonstrated by fungi.

365- Fish dart through the ruins of the mangled iron broiler, and plants shoot up through the piecemeal hull and beams.

366- Fixing nitrogen means converting pure nitrogen (N), which plants and animals cannot access, into its ammonia form (NH), which we can use.

367- Floating plants include duckweed, fairy moss, and water hyacinth.

368- Fofò turns out to be the son of a man legendary for his magic garden of plants, fruits, and vegetables that could cure any ailment.

369- Food and other items brought from outside the hospital, such as plants and flowers, are usually prohibited as well.

370- For a specific mutation to progress it would have to mate with other plants/animals and have the mutation pass through every generation.

371- For a time, it was a troublesome destroyer of crops and ornamental plants, but then, in many of the eastern areas, ways were devised to keep its populations at relatively low levels-without large-scale spraying.

372- Found in more than 30,000 plants, inulin is a natural plant fiber and prebiotic that is often used as a food additive to increase fiber and function.

373- Fremont police spokeswoman Geneva Bosques said the department plans to add a new section to its Web page where residents must register annually if they want to grow marijuana plants at their residence.

374- Frequently I talk to cats, plants, squirrels, and the herons that gracefully stroll through my Florida yard.

375- From such fragile beginnings plants quickly become full and robust.

376- From there, growers can take a subscription box approach, getting fresh starter plants delivered to their doorstep as often as once a month, starting at $21.

377- Garner moonlights as a photographer, whose portfolio so far only contains pictures of plants, and not the portraits she desires.

378- Generally easy to grow, the same best practices that yield healthy plants will also produce beautiful Haworthia.

379- Generators would be banned, except for emergency use, and business owners would have to keep all plants and grow lights out of sight and under tight security.

380- Gene Robert Safir October 15, 2016 Gene Safir saw plants differently than most people, even the most ardent gardeners among us.

381- “Gene sanctuaries are collections that include all varieties of plants regardless of whether they are commercially favorable or not,” explained Mathew.

382- Genesis 2 has creation in a different order from that in Genesis 1. Genesis 1 has plants, then fish (and dinosaurs and birds) created before mammals, and then last, man.

383- Get Bixby to remind you to water the plants when you get home or to call someone back when you get back to the office.

384- Giant Piranha plants, which may be translated in real life using audio-animatronics.

385- Give your plants a long drink in the early evening, but check them again on hot summer afternoons.

386- 5753 more results not shown.

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