plants in a sentence 4

Use ‘plants’ in a sentence | ‘plants’ example sentences

151- Our teacher divided the stream into 5 different segments, and each group had to study the plants and animals living in their section.

152- Studies show that chimpanzees will instinctively eat plants they usually avoid when these plants are necessary for treating an illness.

153- Global warming is caused by rising atmospheric greenhouse gases as a result of emissions from cars, factories and power plants.

154- emotionA group of local environmentalists is trying to salvage a number of rare plants that are in danger due to the construction of the new highway.

155- Some people worry that as herbal remedies become more popular, the plants they are made from may become endangered as they are over-harvested.

156- Scientists originally claimed that Agent Orange, a chemical used to kill plants, was harmless for people, but now we know that it causes cancer.

157- The chronic energy shortages Armenia suffered in past years have been largely overcome by the energy supplied by one of its nuclear power plants.

158- The weeds are really becoming a nuisance in the lake.

159- They are killing the other plants, and now the children are scared to swim near them.

160- The natural gas we use was formed from the remains of plants and sea creatures which sank to the ocean floor between 200 and 400 million years ago.

161- Many helpful plants which are now used in our society surfaced when the cultures of the world started to share trade and knowledge of natural medicines.

162- This is our most versatile garden tool yet.

163- It can be used to dig holes, cut branches, water your garden, and loosen the soil around your plants.

164- There is a growing sentiment in this country that large corporations have to be more responsible in the treatment of the workers in their overseas plants.

165- The country of Guyana boasts a number of very different ecosystems supporting many different trees, plants, insects, reptiles, amphibians, fish and mammals.

166- In 1908, the process of chlorination was first used extensively at U.S. water treatment plants, producing water 10 times purer than when filtered.

167- Our stupid puppy managed to eat 3 pairs of leather shoes, destroy our curtains, urinate on our new rug, and eat most of our house plants while I was at work today.

168- I read somewhere that most North Americans can only recognize about a hundred different plants, but can easily identify thousands of commercial symbols from advertising.

169- A recent report noted that while the developed nations debate how to fuel their power plants, a quarter of the world’s population have no access to electricity or gasoline.

170- Well, there’s something I’d like your advice on about my research project .

171- .

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173- Let’s see.

174- .

175- .

176- Hmm, you’re investigating flowering plants then.

177- Recent research shows that hurricanes spur the growth of plankton in our oceans by stirring up the water, thereby bringing food and plankton to the surface where sunlight allows these tiny plants to bloom.

178- spyPeople often put non-native plants in their gardens to make them more interesting, but the problem is that these plants can be very invasive, and may actually kill indigenous plants that are unable to compete.

179- Recent research shows that hurricanes spur the growth of plankton in our oceans by stirring up the water, and thereby bringing food and plankton to the surface where sunlight allows these tiny plants to bloom.

180- Experts agree that by leaving the rainforests intact and harvesting its many nuts, fruits, oil-producing plants, and medicinal plants, the rainforest has more economic value than if it is cut down to make grazing land for cattle or for timber.

181- He also said automation rates at Foxconn plants vary from 40% to 70%.

182- “We got information there was marijuana plants here at the residence.

183- California has 11 other desalination plants, and another 16 proposed.

184- There are only about 40 vinyl pressing plants operating in the world.

185- If ranchers aren’t careful, desperate cattle may consume toxic plants.

186- plants simply can’t produce enough energy for animal-style locomotion.

187- Perhaps even fuel rods from fission plants could be recycled this way.

188- Regulations require federally licensed plants to report such findings.

189- Arnica is made from a family of plants known for their yellow flowers.

190- Refiners said they have been running their plants feverishly to keep up.

191- So everywhere you look, animals and plants are advertising to each other.

192- The company has other plants in Inkerman, Burnt Church, Portage and Kent.

193- 391556It helps to return the nutrients to the plants there, Stairs said.”

194- Several thousand seeds were harvested from plants during the move to Sevan.

195- The company still imports and burns crude oil to power its electric plants.

196- While there they discovered six cannabis plants growing in the back garden.

197- 976 more results not shown. A 23-acre oasis in the heart of the city, this is home to more than 33,000 plants from all over the globe.

198- Above: Give succulent plants room to breathe indoors.

199- Above: Herb gardens are often rangy affairs with lots of bald patches, so I try to grow spreading plants in the hope that they will all merge together.

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