planting in a sentence 5

Use ‘planting’ in a sentence | ‘planting’ example sentences

197- She plants her bulbs in the autumn so they can take hold before winter-and she advises planting bulbs as soon as you receive them.

198- She started to help me in the garden whenever I was planting or watering flowers.

199- She would be face-planting soon.

200- Since 2016, Caudalie has also been committed to the conservation of 100,000 hectares of primary forest as well as forest regeneration by planting two million trees in total.

201- Soak the seeds overnight prior to planting.

202- So if you’re planting for Easter, now’s the time!

203- Soon you’ll be able to add Woodbine Beach Park to that list too, where the city is planning on planting a cherry blossom tunnel for next year!

204- Standing wood pallet garden, ready for planting.

205- That was when Stuart Smiths’s sophisticated take on meadow planting caused one of the few genuine revolutions at Chelsea, in the 1990s.

206- The author makes a compelling argument for planting native plants in your garden, while addressing common concerns on the topic.

207- The entire installation took about five days in total, with a weekend between planting and finally putting in the edging.

208- The further distorting effect is that South American and Ukrainian farmers could shift a lot of their planting to soya to meet Chinese demand.

209- The geography of the great plains and the history of white settlement, emphasizing the planting of wheat, is covered in detail.

210- The mangrove tree: planting trees to feed families.

211- The person responsible for Helen’s incarceration, planting false evidence that convicted her, was Helen’s own nephew.

212- These, and other issues around agriculture, sustainability and nutrition, were explored at the planting the Seeds for the Future of Food conference in Vevey, Switzerland, in July 2017.

213- These factors are all major considerations in the planting of each section.

214- The Stasi would have killed for the NSA’s database and planting live tracking beacons on most citizens.

215- This book includes discussion of global geoengineering, construction of 1,000 nuclear plants (in the United States alone), and planting the Sahara with trees to sequester carbon.

216- This kit comes well-equipped with long-necked tweezers for planting, a mister for adding moisture, and a double-sided rake for raking, digging, or cutting.

217- To manage, care and maintain the flower and shrub borders including weeding, pruning, spraying, planting, digging, splitting and general tidying.

218- Tree Trust will provide planting education.

219- Two gnomes arrive in Enchancia to recover their lost Crown of Blossoms, which has been given to Sofia to wear during the kingdom’s annual planting festival.

220- Warmer zones can get away with planting them in the spring.

221- Weed the planting beds Weed out competing plants so the wasabi roots have plenty of room to grow.

222- We will also look at how to use CAD plans in 3ds Max, and we will cover exciting topics such as animating movable objects on the facade and even creating planting using real-time growth plugins.

223- When I said “find the dates” I meant signs, the moon passes through the signs of the zodiac and they influence the butter making, breadmaking, planting, fishing, etc. For example, today, November 11th of ’08 the moon is passing through Aires.

224- When planting young cypress to border a driveway, allow at least 7-1/2 feet between the tree and the edge of the driveway to accommodate the tree’s mature spread and root run.

225- Which I’m in the process of planting.

226- While retaining street tree plantings as a core element of our organizational mission, Trees For Houston has methodically expanded its reach, which now includes a wide variety of planting projects ranging from esplanades and trails to parks and schools.

227- While they waited for Bramkamp to arrive with the mechanic Shaubi, Barger and Thomas amused themselves by planting 60 frogs in the wells of the Jabrin oasis, so deadly with malaria that the Bedouins came there only at date-picking time.

228- You always seem to be planting!

229- You never know which will grow, but you keep the faith and keep planting.

230- Able to Plan for planting and crushing operation.

231- Acts 11:19-30 records the planting of another first generation church; one that would become quite literally a world-impacting church.

232- Add Bone meal when planting.

233- A French inspired romantic design style garden which blends the elements of formal design with informal, almost cottage style planting beds.

234- After 2 years in air traffic control he stepped into ministry, through networking, leadership development, evangelism, church planting and then leading two local churches for the last 20 years.

235- After planting, water in well and allow the soil to dry slightly between waterings.

236- After the initial planting, an annual top dressing of well rotted compost, and foliar feedings of fish emulsion or manure quotteaquot will provide nutrients to keep your lilies vigorous.

237- A full professional delivery, planting and installation service is on offer as well as dedicated aftercare where requested.

238- A Gardeners Guide to Growing, planting and Buying Plants.

239- A good planting scheme includes various shapes, sizes and colours – all working in harmony to create a coherent composition.

240- All Brassicas prefer more alkaline soil and benefit from some lime being added before planting.

241- Allium cepa A great intermediate day length onion and is best for planting in areas below the.

242- All the crops were looted in July and they missed the planting season because they were running from the conflict.

243- Also make sure that all other equipment relating to the planting operation is in order especially your boom spray.

244- Although this bulb is deciduous it is worth planting as the fragrant pink flowers, which open in summer are so beautiful.

245- Always make sure that the media is moist before planting sods as this will prevent burning of the roots.

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